Crystals for Love, Money & Spiritual Connection

If you’re visiting Astrology Answers for your love horoscope, you may be interested to learn more about crystals and how they can draw more love into your life. Crystals have unique frequencies that resonate with our energetic fields and can help cultivate specific types of energy that interact with the Universe. Everything vibrates, and even though we can’t see this phenomenon with the naked eye, we are constantly attracting situations based on our own vibrations.

Universal laws like the law of attraction work in our favour when we utilize crystals to help regulate our frequency. Throughout history, people have reported certain experiences linked to certain crystals.

One of the easiest ways to understand which crystal can help us with what is to look to the chakra system which associates certain areas of our life with colors which each have unique energetic frequencies.

In general, love resonates with green and the heart chakra. Money resonates with yellow and orange, and the center of willpower and confidence. Our spirit resonates with clear and white crystals that connect to the crown chakra. Here are some specific crystals that have been found to help bring more love, money, and connection to spirit.

Best Crystals for Improving Your Love Horoscope

Rose Quartz

Often those wishing to attract love and boost their love horoscope need to balance the powerful electromagnetic field of the heart chakra. This soothing energy helps allow self-love and unconditional love into our vibration by clearing the energy in the lungs, chest, and heart.

It is known to help attract love because high-vibration quartz heals our strongest emotional center which is constantly interacting with the environment around us. It’s good to wear this crystal and sleep with it near you. After a time, you might notice an improvement in your love horoscope.


Bringing spiritual energy into our awareness, we can resonate more loving intentions with this crystal. Known to help us be more selfless, this stone is good for those who feel they need to heal their heart from emotional wounds. It has a strong emitting energy that charges your heart center and allows you to feel more optimistic.

It helps those that feel unloved start loving others so the law of compensation is activated reflecting those loving actions back to us in our interactions. When you love yourself and others, your love horoscope starts to improve.


Used by the leaders of Ancient Egypt and Rome, this stone promotes optimism and wards off negative thought patterns. They say attitude is everything and when it comes to love, we want to be sure we attract a high vibration person by keeping our own vibes up. This is good to use in conjunction with the other two love enhancing crystals.

Sometimes we need to feel more confident to attract love and improve our love horoscope. Peridot is associated with the Sun’s energy and boosts your self-esteem by complimenting the frequency of your solar plexus.

Best Crystals for Money


This is probably the best known crystal for success. By activating the power of the sun with our solar plexus, it helps boost confidence and will power. The orange colour also stimulates our ability to manifest and come up with creative solutions by activating the sacral chakra.

Store owners often keep citrine by the cash register and this crystal is known to activate the flow of abundance, more energy and positivity. Put it in a place where it can be charged by the sun. Be aware of heated crystals that have been made to look like citrine as they resonate differently.


This well-known prosperity crystal resonates with our powerful heart chakra energy. It’s known as the luck-bringing crystal and can help us perceive our own potential. This can bring a more fulfilling type of wealth into our lives by balancing our mind, body and spiritual energies.

Not only does it help us with abundance, but we will be happier when we feel that abundance is improving society as a whole through our own use of our will and creativity.


This can help us create a clear vision of what we want to manifest. Sun energy comes with this crystal helping us to recharge and feel joyful. It can help you tune into which path of abundance is in your highest good. As an amplifier, it’s great to use in meditation to visualize, but you can also wear it to feel happy and attract opportunities through your own attitude.

Think of this as the intention magnifier.

Best Crystals for Spiritual Connection


This has a very high vibration, so it will adjust your frequency by bringing to light what needs healing in your energy field. Its energy is intense in that it will allow you to face your subconscious fears to debunk them. It’s known as a stone of ascension because it allows you to perceive situations from a higher vibration almost instantly.

Many people choose to use it in doses and not wear it all the time because of its strong energy. You may not want to use it when you need to take care of day-to-day tasks but utilize it when you’re ready to meditate and do your inner work.


Its violet color aids us in bringing spiritual energies into our mind. It helps eliminate fear so we can sense our own spiritual abilities. It can help us feel more peaceful by allowing us to let go of frustration we may be unconsciously holding onto from past experiences.

This is a great way to awaken the third eye and cleanse your aura so you can vibrate with higher frequency spiritual guides.

Blue Kyanite

Known as the healer’s stone, it conducts a lot of energy. Its blue colour resonates with our communication center so we can tune into spiritual messages. It raises your vibration quickly and removes emotional blocks that may be keeping you from connecting to your spiritual self and higher consciousness.

It is protective and great to use in your meditations to allow pure spiritual guidance to reach you.


The crystal world is vast and you can come up with your own combinations based on your intuition and experience with them. It’s interesting that you’ll often find a crystal that is known to help with exactly what you’re working on at that time without knowing its properties, such as when you’re focused on your love horoscope. Your intuition can help you choose crystals as your life changes.

Here’s another article you’ll like about love, 5 Healing Crystal Must-Haves If You Need Miracles In Love. As we learn how to consistently keep our vibration up, I highly recommend combining astrology with your use of crystals. Some days we need calming energy and some days we need positive energy based on planetary movements.

Finally, if you really want to make the crystals work for you, think about how they are interacting with your energy field and do everything you can to keep your body running smoothly. That means eating a very clean natural diet and surrounding yourself with positive people and environments.

Use affirmations to keep your mind in a positive state and these energies will be amplified that much more. I use alkaline water and lots of raw greens to keep my energy as strong as possible. If you have a strong baseball bat made of steel, you need strong muscles to get the ball into the outfield.

Read this next: 7 Essential Healing Crystals for Enhancing Everyday Life

About The Author

Shannon Yrizarry

Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga. She has worked as a healer, clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland’s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29. She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report, done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream.With a bold voice, she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society. Her classes can be found online at www.HOI.TV/authors/shannon and you can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @shannonyrizarry. She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland, Oregon. What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose.Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Psychic Yoga and Modern Guide to Meditation Beads.
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