Every Astrology Sign’s Likes & Dislikes

The heavenly bodies provide helpful hints when it comes to discovering the likes and dislikes of the people in your life. How do you break the ice with the attractive Cancer you just met? How do you please your Taurus boss? The stars can help!

Today we’re going to take a look at the Top 3 likes and dislikes of each zodiac sign.


Blessed with a high energy level and a healthy amount of self-confidence, Mars-ruled Aries likes to be the center of all kinds of activities. When others tell you what to do, they’ll scowl or slam the front door on your way out!


  • Being physically active
  • Taking the lead
  • Being a trailblazer


  • Waiting
  • Being bossed around
  • Not getting what they want


Bulls absolutely love the good life, such as fine food, beautiful clothes, and jewelry. Nothing pushes a Taurus temper to the edge more than being hurried. Making snap decisions are not in their wheelhouse.


  • Comfort
  • Being surrounded by lovely things
  • Exploring their senses


  • Feeling rushed
  • Drama
  • Surprises


Gemini loves to explore and have fun and their infectious thirst for knowledge keeps them on the search for something new. Free-spirited Gemini struggles to avoid commitment, sometimes unconsciously. It’s not because they don’t fall in love, they just enjoy their freedom so much.


  • Storytelling
  • Exploring their curiosity
  • Travelling


  • Feeling tied down
  • Not having an audience
  • Close-mindedness


Moon-ruled Cancer enjoys domestic bliss like no other. What makes a Cancer scuttle away in the opposite direction is someone who pries into their private life.


  • Keeping a beautiful home
  • Nurturing loved ones
  • Being thoughtful


  • Being eavesdropped on
  • Sneakiness
  • People who are unkind


Leos like to be in the spotlight and to be considered special in some way. They don’t like people squabbling over silly things, like who ate the last piece of cheese danish.


  • Being admired
  • Spoiling their loved ones
  • Being generous, helping others


  • Pettiness
  • Being ignored
  • Not being able to express themselves


Sensible Virgo needs to feel they have control in their own lives. Their keen intelligence allows them to seek and maintain balance. Cluttered closets or garages filled with junk make them shudder in distaste.


  • Having things in order
  • Sense of accomplishment
  • Helping others


  • Dirt, germs, disorder
  • Chaos
  • Drama


When it comes to sheer charm, Libra wins first prize. They enjoy spending time and money improving their appearance and love relaxing massages. Libras do their utmost to avoid obnoxious or rude people in any situation.


  • Looking their best
  • Pampering
  • Giving and receiving affection


  • Unfairness
  • Aggression
  • Bad manners


Fixed sign Scorpios like loyal friends and lovers who can be trusted beyond a shadow of a doubt. Scorpio especially dislikes fake personalities and people who would keep hurtful secrets from them.


  • Solving mysteries and puzzles
  • Deep conversation w/trusted few
  • A healthy sex life


  • Flirty partners
  • Dishonesty
  • Superficiality


Adventurous Sagittarius loves their freedom and needs to express themselves as openly as possible. They can’t abide dullness – in people, relationships and at work. Ruled by Jupiter, they want to dream big, not be told they can’t do something.


  • Independence
  • The outdoors
  • Blunt honesty


  • Spending time with boring people
  • Repetition
  • Being given limitations


Cardinal Earth sign Capricorn enjoys the stability of success as well as the admiration that often comes with it. They like to proclaim their worldly success in a nonverbal way, but being inefficient and wasteful is a big no-no.


  • Financial and emotional security
  • Luxury items
  • Being respected


    • Depending on others
    • Wasting money
    • Sloppy work


      Uranus-ruled Aquarius is known as one of the friendliest zodiac signs – so it’s no surprise they love to socialize. They desire to be different and dislike any sort of routine or uncharitable attitude toward the less fortunate.


      • Making friends
      • Expressing your individuality
      • Brainstorming/free thought


      • Being bored
      • Having limitations
      • Being the center of attention


      Sensitive Pisces loves to be taken care of and nurtured in a relationship – and they give generously in return. On the flip side, heaps of negativity and unnecessary cruelness are surefire ways to annoy the zodiac sign of the fish.


      • Being taken care of
      • Giving and receiving affection
      • Seeing the best in people


      • Having your feelings ignored
      • Large, noisy crowds
      • Stingy, selfish people

      Astrology can be a very useful tool for getting ahead and managing modern life – when you know what to look for! Knowing the traits of the different signs can help smooth the bumps in any relationship and can also give you a competitive edge in business and other areas of your life. Don’t hesitate to use it!

      Want to learn more about love compatibility? Try our Love Compatibility Calculator now!

      Related Article: Relationship Checkup & The Heart Chakra – Are You Feeling The Love?

      About The Author

      Laranya Amoli Woodsmith

      A self-described ‘word-nerd,’ Capricorn Laranya came to the metaphysical world after going through a particularly difficult breakup with an unsupportive ex. Suffering from recurring nightmares, she turned to dream interpretation to find an alternate meaning for what her brain was trying to tell her.She has since found a comforting home in the astrology community and continues to dive deeper into this unique and fascinating world, now working with gemstones and how they relate to the zodiac. Her passion for writing and helping others drives her to constantly explore new subjects. She is currently obsessed with her rune stones!
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