You Can Manifest Abundance With THIS Rare Astrological Transit

On December 20th, 2022, Jupiter will transit through the Cardinal Fire sign, Aries, once again.

This spells new changes, exciting times, and the opportunity for abundance! Jupiter is, after all, the ultimate planet of abundance.

Benevolent and giving (perhaps reminding you of a jolly king that sits on his throne handing out wealth to his people), when Jupiter springs into action, the doors of opportunity manifest before our eyes, and we may find ourselves so spoilt for choice that we don’t know which one to step through.

Jupiter in Aries in Your Natal Chart

Jupiter rewards its natives, and the nature of the reward depends on what sign it is in, in your natal chart.

Jupiter in Aries individuals are dynamic, courageous, feel a need to come out on top, and are confident and self-sufficient. So when these individuals are brave and heroic and take a stand, Jupiter rewards them.

Jupiter is the ruler of the great adventurer, fellow Fire sign, Sagittarius. Therefore, Jupiter in Aries people can often be found traveling around, soaking up new experiences, and if they catch some kind of wrong-doing, they are the first to step in and make a stand.

They are a bit like the great adventurers we see in movies, traveling the land and seeking dragons to slay!

This is a confident and fast-paced placement; however, as with all placements, there are some negatives. This sign may sometimes leap before it looks, and it tends to lack patience!

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Why is Jupiter in Aries Significant?

Jupiter in Aries will bring big changes, both on a personal and global scale.

So what is it about Aries that makes this transit such a special and exciting one?

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is ruled by both Cardinal and Fire energy. This bold, dynamic, and hot-headed sign is the first to shout “go!” and others often marvel at their courage and ability to throw themselves into something with zest and passion.

It’s Aries who sees that something needs to be done or has a vision that needs to be brought into reality and then takes proactive steps to make it happen.

Ruled by Mars, this energetic sign has an abundance of energy which can be hard for other signs to keep up with! Aries is the master of initiation, though its staying power can leave something to be desired (which is where the practical Earth signs, and also the Fixed signs, come in handy!)

So when Jupiter moves into Aries, we can expect all of these dynamic qualities to multiply. Jupiter expands whatever it touches. This benevolent planet helps to expand our experiences, understanding, and knowledge.

Optimism, growth, and wisdom are all powerful themes with Jupiter.

Expect Changes when Jupiter Enters Aries

This does look good on paper, and ultimately Jupiter’s influence is always for the greater good. However, good things don’t always come easy. For the new to make way, the old must be cleared out. This is especially true for those experiencing a Jupiter Return, which occurs every 12 years.

During this period, you may find your life changing drastically:

  • Old relationships fade away to make way for new ones
  • You may leave your current career for a new one
  • You may move to another location
  • You may even get an entirely new look

These events can happen quite suddenly under a Jupiter Return.

This can bring a period of mourning as it is always hard to say goodbye.

But essentially, these things are happening because Jupiter needs room (lots of it – it’s a big planet!) to bring wonderful opportunities, people, and things into your life.

With Jupiter in Aries dominating for much of the coming year through until May 2023, these opportunities may be sudden and unexpected. Everything will go at a faster pace, and fresh new ideas are likely to come bouncing in, seemingly out of nowhere.

It’s an exciting time to forge new relationships and embark on new business ventures. Jupiter is expanding Aries’ leadership qualities, and people are more likely to speak out in places they would have remained quiet before.

Time For Confidence to Explode With Jupiter in Aries

Everyone is getting an extra dose of courage which bodes well for those involved in any kind of activism or personal and social issues that require you to use your voice to take a stand.

It is during this transit that we identify strongly with our opinions. 

Have you noticed how Aries seems to just have this confident air about them? During Jupiter in Aries, we get to experience this type of confidence, and we gain a stronger sense of who we are. We become more self-sufficient and have greater self-belief, and the inhibitions that once held us back seem to vanish.

It can be liberating and magnificent. With Jupiter in Aries, the key is not to resist or allow fear to get the better of us but to go with the flow and let Jupiter work its magic!

We attract good fortune when we take the lead, demonstrate courage and inspire others. Jupiter really likes when we are the best of ourselves! Believing in ourselves can bring us good luck and prosperity.

Jupiter’s message during this transit is this: Believe in yourself!

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How You Can Attract Abundance

Jupiter in Aries brings so much opportunity for abundance that it just wouldn’t feel right without adding some crystals to help you along the way!

Abundance is often associated with wealth, but this wealth can come in many forms. It can mean feeling good about yourself, having a pleasant and serene environment, having happy and fulfilling relationships, embracing lots of new creative opportunities, and of course, feeling financially secure.

Chances are, as we near this transit, changes have been happening in your life, and you may be going through a transitionary period which can be a bit confusing, resulting in some hesitation.

Ask yourself which areas of your life you feel insecure about. It is here that Jupiter will provide opportunities for abundance!

Use These Crystals for Abundance

The crystals listed out can help you manifest this abundance into your life. 

Meditating with these crystals while focusing on your intention or carrying them around in your pocket are wonderful ways to harness their energy and bring greater abundance to your life!

1. Citrine

Citrine is an excellent crystal to use when manifesting or dealing with creative and business endeavors.

2. Rose quartz

This gentle healing crystal is wonderful for manifesting loving relationships into your life.

3. Rainbow Moonstone

This intuitive crystal helps you to clear away negative thought patterns and brings you a more positive mindset.

4. Aventurine

Aventurine brings out your confident side. Wonderful to manifest with if you are in a position where your courage is required of you.

5. Angelite

This crystal helps you believe in your own psychic and spiritual abilities and can help you tap into your inner wisdom, which releases blockages preventing you from realizing what you need in your life.

6. Pyrite

Pyrite is another excellent crystal for attracting wealth and opportunities to earn more money under this transit.

Read this next: What is Manifestation & How to Use It

Let Jupiter Bring You the Life You Deserve

As this transit draws closer for the second time this year, let’s take some time to think about the changes we have been through and the life we wish to build for ourselves.

Where we are lacking, where we are insecure, or where we feel fear or uncertainty, we can rest assured that Jupiter is shining down on us and letting us know everything is going to be alright.

Think of a long table filled with lots of different dishes, delightful, masterful dishes that you’ve never tried before. These are the opportunities Jupiter wants to give you. All it requires is that you grab onto your sense of adventure and try these dishes. Don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back.

After all, you can only find out how delicious these dishes are if you taste them!

Related article: All About the Lucky Planet Jupiter

About The Author

Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor is a harmonious Libra Sun, Conflicted Scorpio rising, and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.A whirlwind writer with a passion for Tarot cards and Astrology in all forms, she is fascinated by other realms and experiencing both the negative and positive that goes with its inhabitants. Iberia believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Iberia has authored three novels, and currently writes Astrology Answers’ Daily Money and Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes, as well as articles.
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