Read Your Weekly Tarotscope for December 19 – 25, 2022

pair of hands holding blue tarot cards over a white table covered in crystals and wood

You might think the holiday season is the busiest thing on the block, but there’s actually a whole slew of astrology updates you won’t want to miss, either!

This week, we’ll kick off with lucky planet Jupiter moving into bold Aries on the 20th. But this isn’t the only go-getter energy entering the mix, as Capricorn season itself also will begin right after on the 21st.

These Earthy vibes continue with the New Moon in Capricorn on the 23rd, launching us steadily into a time of productivity and down-to-earth energy. If you still have things on your to-do list, make sure to check them off this week!

Not sure you got all of that? Don’t sweat. We’re going to ask the Tarot to hit us with the key insights you need for your particular zodiac sign, too, ensuring that you leave with guidance tailored more for your unique style!

Weekly Tarotscope for December 19 – 25, 2022


The Chariot (Reversed)

Aries has been wanting to race to the finish for the past few weeks, and a halt to your plans has arrived.

The Chariot reversed puts a strong pause on any momentum you’ve been building, at the very least derailing some of your original plans and ideas. Your energy is a bit all over the place this week, so you don’t really have the resources to be investing fully in a plan or goal that is fully Chariot-like.

You may think that this is a “bad” thing, but why does rest have to be bad? Some stillness might do you well, Aries — especially during times like these. 

It may just be your sign to celebrate, lay back, and enjoy rather than charge full speed ahead at something else.


7 of Cups

Last week, Taurus wrestled with the  7 of Swords.

This week, the brave bull is tackling a different 7: the 7 of Cups. And although 7’s are challenges in their own right (sorry, more challenges are still incoming for now), this one has a different topic to reckon with.

While the past weeks may have involved more challenges surrounding communication, connecting with others, gossip, and moral conundrums, this week is all about reconnecting with what’s going on inside of you. Now is the time to get to the heart of the matter — your actual heart and intuition.

Silence, alone time and self-reflection is the remedy for the chaos that may feel loud this week.


The Star

Gemini has been doing some of the hard work (that we don’t always enjoy doing) lately, and now it’s paying off.

This week, The Star smiles upon you with its energy of rejuvenation and replenishment. It’s not just about getting from point A to point B and achieving a certain measure of success here, either.

In fact, this week is about embracing joy, happiness, and intuitive creativity without measuring yourself up to a particular goal or long-term plan. You’re healing, recuperating, and reconnecting with yourself — and that’s the real success story here.


Death (Reversed)

Cancer has been working hard, but this week may come with its growing pains.

Death reversed indicates sluggishness, resistance, and difficulty surrounding accepting change and transformation. This isn’t to say you aren’t doing the work, but just that — hey, sometimes it’s hard, y’know?

For some, the holidays can illuminate some vulnerable spots in our hearts. And for Cancer, it’s more likely that this will be the case.

Don’t shut yourself off from feeling deeply this week. Embrace the feels, and listen to your heart.


10 of Pentacles

Leo, now is the time for you to set yourself up for success in the way you’ve wanted.

The 10 of Pentacles hints that many Leos will be thinking about their long-term plans, abundance, and stability this week, finally feeling like it’s your time to really orient yourself in the direction of your true dreams.

For some Leos, this card also is a positive sign for family gatherings and connecting with the home. It may be a time to reconnect with those close to you.

And for other Leos, it’ll be a mix of all of the above!


The Magician (Reversed)

Virgo usually is a productive mind and spirit that anyone can rely on.

This week, you’re asked to put a cap on that. The Magician reversed indicates that if anything, where you should be directing your efforts is toward yourself — recuperating creative resources and skills before proceeding.

But mostly, what you may interpret initially as burnout is actually a solid time for rest and… simply not doing anything.

A “boring” week doesn’t have to be humdrum if you let yourself celebrate, have fun, and actually kick back — fully, this time, Virgo!


10 of Wands

Libra, sometimes the brave action to take is to know when to give up.

Although you are certainly strong and capable enough to carry the weight of many responsibilities on your shoulders (including responsibilities that may not even be yours), now is not the time to put on a strong front.

The 10 of Wands indicates that you may be biting off more than you can chew this week and warns against overdoing it. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

The word “no” will be your friend this week — remember to use it!


7 of Wands

Scorpio seems to be fighting valiantly through a week that reads like an uphill battle.

The holiday season seems to be not-so-friendly to the sign of the Scorpion, as the 7 of Wands foretells semi-hostile grounds. For some Scorpios, you yourself might be the enemy at hand — self-doubts, worries, or anxieties bogging you down, for example.

For others, the holiday season may just not be your season this year, and it may feel like moving forward is swimming against the current.

Although the road ahead is a bit rocky for Scorpio, this is ultimately a battle you are meant to succeed within. Trust yourself — and when that’s hard, trust the cards!


Knight of Cups

Sagittarius is flowing with a creative… and potentially romantic energy this week!

The Knight of Cups shows you in a heart-centered, ambitious swing. You’re feeling in touch with your emotions right now, and intuition is also riding high.

Now is a good time for heart-to-heart communication (perhaps without words, and more so focusing on embracing presence and compassion). It’s also a good time for reconnecting with your creative impulses and hobbies and potentially letting the creative juices out in the arts!


4 of Swords

Capricorn has an astrologically-busy week this week, with its sign dominating much of the skies.

As such, you may expect plenty of action overtaking your week when it comes to the Tarot’s forecast, but the 4 of Swords points toward… almost the exact opposite.

It’s not that you’re not busy, but mostly that your attention has to be focused internally — on your mental health, internal landscape, and logistically, even your ability to get a good night’s rest. In busy times, it’s essential that you’re taken care of.

This week, you’re invited to prioritize that… or, in other words, prioritize yourself.


The Emperor (Reversed)

Aquarius may feel called to lead and protect this week, only to feel left in the dust.

The Emperor reversed brings difficulty into the mix when it comes to authority, ego, and finding your center — and not just involving you, but also within families, communities, and so forth.

In other words, it might feel like chaos and frustration are afoot right now, and many people are vying for the same spot, trying to speak over one another. And you may feel like you know the answers, but your voice is getting drowned out.

Watch for aggression and miscommunication this week. And just remember: the key to keeping the peace is knowing when to say, “let’s come back to this conversation later.”


3 of Wands

Pisces has optimistically set forth on some new courses, and now you’re just waiting to see the returns.

The 3 of Wands shows you standing at the edge of the beginnings of something, already having invested some of your best intentions and heart into future ideas. You’re ready to enter a new stage in life and have shown up authentically in order to prove it.

This week is just about waiting, watching, and remaining patient as the Universe works its magic. The intention and ideas have been sent, and now you’re essentially waiting for the response.

So, stay patient, stay optimistic, and in the meanwhile… don’t forget to have fun!

Your Astrological Holiday Checklist

Check “reading my weekly Tarotscope” off the checklist — you’re already on your way to a fantastic, productive holiday season.

And just remember: even in a time full of hubbub and responsibilities galore, staying in tune with your true self, listening to your intuition, and having fun are still essential things on your checklist too!

Related article: Your December 2022 Tarotscopes

About The Author

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.
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