Saturn turns direct on the 29th September and this is good news for many!
The planet of discipline and hard work turns direct in Capricorn. Saturn feels most comfortable in Capricorn, the sign it rules over, and when it turns direct in its own sign, we are able to understand the restrictions placed on us and why they exist, even if we don’t welcome them.
You’ve no doubt been feeling restricted due to COVID-19, so rest assured that with Saturn turning direct things are going to get a little bit easier in the sense that your understanding and tolerance will be stronger.
Remember, Saturn is the planet of hard knocks. His lessons are not always the easiest, but when we look back on why things happened the way they did, we see how Saturn helped to shape us as individuals.
Don’t forget to read: Understanding Saturn: Lord of Karma
About Saturn Direct in Capricorn
When a planet is retrograde, it appears to be moving slower in a backward direction. The point of every retrograde period with every planet is that the planet is not moving forward, and thus the themes of that planet in that sign and in your specific chart are not moving forward either.
Saturn retrograde is a very karmic period, as Saturn is a planet of karma and time. There’s been a lot of “hurry up and wait” for many during this period, and that period has been immediately connected to your karmic path.
Interested in learning more? Read: Work Slows with Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn
With stern Saturn’s karmic time in play, you’ve been dealing with past, present, and future matters all at the same time. Lessons have been learned, and some of them have been very difficult. It’s time to clean up some of the things that you’ve swept under the rug. Challenges will ensue once Saturn goes direct, but if your karmic path has been responsible, then you are going to see some rewards.
Saturn direct is nothing to fear!
Saturn direct in Capricorn brings stability, both mentally and physically. If things have been confusing, we are now able to see everything in a clearer light. It’s a bit like joining the dots together. Suddenly, everything has become clear. We are not over-saturated with emotions; instead, we are more able to use our logical mind to find solutions in true Capricorn-style.
The end of Saturn’s retrograde means that you can once again start to move forward when it comes to meeting your obligations, acknowledging your actions, and creating the life you want to live.
Try this Saturn Direct in Capricorn Tarot Spread.
Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn Coming to an End
All in all, this is a time for you to work on what you want to achieve. Saturn direct enables us to start taking responsibility. We enter a period where we think, “okay, fine, if this is how it has to be then I’m going to make the best of it.”
While the retrograde may have made it feel like things were going slow motion, over the next few days, you’ll feel normality returning.
It may not be as fun to deal with the responsibilities that mundane life thrusts upon you, but that’s what is necessary to create long-term stability, so you’ll have time for recreation and play later on.
Saturn direct in Capricorn has no time for slacking or tantrum-throwing. You need to make smart choices, practice discipline and maturity, create plans that you stick to, and act responsibly. Saturn doesn’t reward you for taking shortcuts or being inconsiderate or not growing up. That makes Saturn really mad, and then comes the Saturn drama!
4 Tips to Manage Saturn Direct in Capricorn

1. Long-Term Plans are Saturn’s BFFs
Saturn direct is all about planning for the long-term! In fact, you’re more likely to come up with a workable plan now more than ever so if there was any time to start organizing and planning, that time is now.
2. Seek Recognition for Your Work
Don’t be afraid to seek recognition for your hard work. You deserve it. Remember, Saturn rewards those who exhibit self-discipline and who work hard. You will also find that the more you seek recognition, the more opportunities will crop up and you will not be afraid to reach out and grab them.
3. Showcase Your Skills with Confidence
Saturn does not expect you to keep your hard work under wraps. Just like seeking recognition, be bold in showcasing your talents. Saturn is not interested in ego and through hard work and discipline, encourages you to be the same way. There is nothing egotistical about showing the world your gifts.
4. Don’t Be all Work & No Play
When working with Saturn, you want to harness his positive energy, which is self-discipline, focus, and drive. But when you overdo it on the work front, Saturn’s restrictive energy will come into play. Be sure to give yourself time for leisure and relaxation during this period!
Try out a free 3-card career Tarot reading to see where Saturn direct in Capricorn might guide you.
Saturn Direct for the Zodiac Signs
Each zodiac sign must now harness the energy of Saturn to find a way of moving forward. During Saturn Retrograde, chaos was imminent. Tantrums and childish behavior were not uncommon. When direct, Saturn encourages a mature way of thinking and an understanding that working with existing structures is the way forward, not stomping all over them like a child who has been denied his favorite lollipop.
Sensible and rational methods are favored and likely to find success. Read on to see how your zodiac sign can benefit during this period.
A rewarding and valuable few months lie ahead. If you’ve been placed into a position of leadership you will experience a number of challenges, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. You are encouraged to harness your natural Aries boldness to make your decisions as there may be others who depend on you too.
Your natural authority is shining bright for the next few months, so use it wisely.
There’s a lot of focus on you with this Saturn direct, Taurus. A curious transition has overcome you. Being a naturally stubborn character, changing your belief systems can feel like a betrayal of who you are, but this is not the case.
This Saturn direct is about accepting that beliefs can change and there is nothing wrong with that – it is part of your spiritual evolution process. Take the next few months to find a balance between new thoughts and old ones.
Debts of all kinds, and not just the material type, may have been spiraling out of control during Saturn retrograde, Gemini. That being said, Saturn direct provides the opportunity to get things in order and pay them back.
Love is also looking particularly good for you for the next few months and emotional closeness with another looks likely.
Love may have undergone difficulties during retrograde period, but Saturn direct brings calm and understanding. The Autumn Equinox has been especially revealing for you and works well with Saturn’s energy now.
You are now able to take things to the next level and strengthen your relationships. Either they will fizzle out, or move onto the next level.
You are in control now, Leo. It’s likely you’ve experienced topsy-turvy times during Saturn retrograde, not to mention discovered some rather surprising revelations. Saturn direct now brings the opportunity to wrestle back control again and make your mark in terms of work and accomplishment.
Working on yourself is especially important and you have the discipline to take care of your health and other areas.
You’ve faced your fair share of challenges over the last few months, Virgo, but now you are able to take back control and work out routines and schedules that work for you.
Your long-term goals are in sight again and you can breathe a sigh of relief that things are starting to look more stable and you’re on familiar footing again.

Family and environment issues have been at the forefront of your concerns and goals for the last few months, Libra, and you’ve met some challenges along the way. Saturn direct brings stability in this area, which will be very welcome.
It’s a good time to focus on properties and investments, as well as build bridges between you and those you have fallen out with.
Motivation has been a struggle the last few months, Scorpio, so you will be pleased to learn that your motivational streak has returned to you with Saturn direct! This is also a time of powerful emotional healing for you.
It’s likely that underlying issues have risen to the surface and now you are able to plan and take action to help yourself.
Learn more right here: Career Astrology – Using the 2nd, 6th, & 10th Houses
Concerns about money should lessen now, Sagittarius. It’s not that this is the best money transit for you, but it should be a lot easier than it has been in recent times. Keep tightening your belt and saving for a rainy day.
There are several opportunities on their way to you, so keep an eye out for them. Saturn direct brings you some much-needed focus and drive.
Your ruler Saturn turning direct in your sign is a very positive time for you, Capricorn. In retrograde, Saturn has been tough for you, especially on an emotional level. Depression or stress may have prevailed.
When direct, you are able to see beyond the blues and find calm among the storm. Reach out to others when necessary; don’t suffer in silence.
Your subconscious mind may have been working overtime during Saturn retrograde, Aquarius. There is no doubt you have gone through some intense emotional struggles. However, you are able to regain control emotionally and focus on your long-term goals now.
Dreams are particularly significant now and can provide greater insight into your life path.
Your social life may have taken a battering, Pisces, but things are looking on the up now. Take heart from new connections and inspirations that are on their way to you with Saturn direct. Opportunities for enlightenment and teamwork are imminent.
You have the potential to inspire others with your ingenious thoughts and marvelous creativity so don’t hold back!
How Will You Use Saturn Direct in Capricorn?
Saturn is the planet of hard knocks and often harsh life lessons. In retrograde, we feel the full force of Saturn’s might and rarely is it easy.
When direct, Saturn can help us push through obstacles with greater ease. Whatever challenges we have faced so far this year, we have to believe we can see them through and come out of them better and brighter than ever before.
What goals, aspirations and issues does Saturn encourage you to focus on? Remember, you can harness Saturn’s energy for yourself and apply hard work, dedication and motivation to any area of your life. The slump is over – the real work begins now!
Don’t forget to read your free career horoscope daily for more insights.
Related article: How Astrology Can Help You Find Your Career Path