Aquarius Love Horoscope
Jan 19, 2025 - Does your romantic partnership provide your life with meaningfulness? Does it connect you spiritually to something bigger than you, something that you believe in? These are good questions to reflect on today as the Moon is in Libra and in your 9th house.
It's so beautiful when you feel that your connection with your partner goes beyond just a physical, emotional or even mental level. Having that sense of sacredness be a part of your partnership allows it to fulfill you on so many more levels. It is good to make sure that those you decide to commit yourself to, have similar beliefs as yours.
This is not to say that you need to have identical life philosophies or agree on everything, but it definitely makes a relationship more meaningful and likely to last longer when you are able to create a life with your partner that is built on your fundamental beliefs.
Also, reflect on how you can broaden your perspectives by opening your mind up to different philosophies offered by your partner.
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Jan 19, 2025 - Time to power up your engines and get ready to blast off from the starting line, Aquarius, because it is your time to shine! Today the Sun exits Capricorn and your sleepy 12th House of the Subconscious and dives into your sign and your…
Jan 19, 2025 - Well, well, well, look at you! All eyes are on you now, Aquarius, as the primal and life-giving Sun blasts out of Capricorn and your sleepy 12th House and enters your sign and your 1st House of self-expression and action. For the next four…
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