Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Jul 22, 2024 - Jul 28, 2024

From the look of things, you’ve been putting in a LOT of effort lately, Aquarius, what with the primal Sun working its way through your daily grind sector, but you’ll be happy to hear that you can lighten your load on the 22nd as the Sun moves into Leo and your 7th House of Relationships for the next month. Now that you’ve gotten yourself in order it’s time to get in order with others and make something of yourselves together. Reach out to possible collaborators and keep your eyes open for any potential dynamic duos looming on the horizon because the universe is encouraging you to partner up ASAP, be it in pursuit of romance or professional gains. Many hands make light work, so keep that in mind as you move forward with any projects right now because you could work half as hard and earn twice the profit if you’re smart right now.

There could also be some major power struggles between you and a partner on the 23rd, however; the Sun is forming its once-a-year opposition to nefarious Pluto, currently hanging out in your sign and your 1st House of Action and Self-Expression. Pluto tends to bring power struggles wherever he goes, and under this extreme energy anything could happen, especially if you feel that other people are going out of their way to push your buttons, even if they don’t really realize it. Regardless of whether they do or not, just remember to breath and count to ten before you go off telling anyone a few home truths you can’t take back.

Things take a turn for the private a few days later. For the last two weeks, you’ve had Mercury traveling through Leo and your 7th House s; a business matter could have required some renegotiating or a romantic partner could have turned out to be less than all they were cracked up to be. On the 25th, however, your focus shifts as Mercury dives into Virgo and your 8th House of Shared Resources. For the duration of this transit, you’re going to encounter a lot of issues regarding what’s yours and what belongs to other people. At times this transit can be very difficult, but at others it can also bring you sudden windfalls, so keep your wits about you and there’s no reason you can’t emerge from this cycle with a healthier bank account than when you started. Keep in mind, however, that Mercury will turn retrograde in August, so be especially careful about opening any new credit cards or taking out any loans at this time, as you could wind up in a worse state than you started.


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