Cancer Sex Horoscope: Tomorrow

Cancer Zodiac Sign

Jul 27, 2024 - Today is about a lot of things for you, but one of the things I’m not really seeing highlighted in the heavens above would be any scintillating sexual activity.

Allow me to explain: throughout the day the intuitive Moon is moving through your outgoing 11th House of social groups and global communications, which is really a much more outgoing transit than a productive one, so if it feels like people keep getting in the way of your work, well, that shouldn’t be at all surprising since la Luna will form a tense square to the Sun today.

The Sun recently set up camp in your 2nd House of earned income and material possessions, so put these two energies together and, like I said, today isn’t really about sex or anything along those lines. That’s not to say you can’t have it, of course; be my guest! Simply that you’ve got other things to tend to first.

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