Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Cancer Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Jul 22, 2024 - Jul 28, 2024

Your focus is shifting this week, Cancer. First, it's time to make it rain on the 22nd! On this day the mighty Sun blasts out of your sign after a four-week tour and jumps into Leo and your 2nd House of income and Material Wealth. This transit is like a cosmic calling card from the universe to get your financial ducks in a row and start prepping for new opportunities to come your way; whether you’re aiming for a pay raise or an entirely new job, this cycle is the time to make it happen. A number of planets have already visited this territory over the last few weeks, so chances are you may have encountered some major changes in this arena, but with the Sun here to make things official you’ll begin to see real progress and feel that you are entering a more secure and comfortable phase of life.

However, you may find that the very next day isn’t exactly comfortable, and can in fact ask a lot of you; on the 23rd, the Sun will form a very tense and powerful opposition to nefarious Pluto in Capricorn and your 8th House of Shared Resources and Deep Bonding. Conversations of ownership and sharing could come up, and unfortunately it looks as though those conversations won’t be the easiest thing. Use your trademark charm to make it through the day and trust me that you’ll find a way through this once-a-year alignment with flying colors, but know that compromise will be key to ensuring that everyone comes out of this well.

The energy picks up as the days moves along, and you’ll have a hard time missing it from the look of things. Messenger Mercury has spent the last couple of weeks on his annual tour of Leo and your grounded 2nd House; this can normally be a great time for increasing your personal net worth but thanks to a number of difficult angles it wasn’t the simplest transit in the world. The energy shifts dramatically on the 25th, however, when Mercury waves goodbye to this sector of your chart and moves on to Virgo and your buzzy 3rd House of Local Community. You’ve spent so much time working on new projects and concepts and now it’s time to take those ideas out into the world and share them with other people. This sector also highlights collaboration so keep an eye out for potential dynamic duos who could boost you along the way. Mercury will be in this sector for an especially long time as it will turn retrograde in August, so you should be extra cautious about who you decide to work with, and avoid officially combining your efforts with anyone else until Mercury has cleared this complicated phase.


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