Cancer Weekly Horoscope
For the week of: Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 15, 2024
The energy picks up this week as the days moves along, Cancer, and you’ll have a hard time missing it from the look of things. Messenger Mercury has spent the last couple of weeks on his annual tour of Leo and your grounded 2nd House of Income; this can normally be a great time for increasing your personal net worth but thanks to a difficult retrograde phase it wasn’t the simplest transit in the world. The energy shifts dramatically on the 9th, however, when Mercury waves goodbye to this sector of your chart and moves on to Virgo and your buzzy 3rd House of Local Community. You’ve spent so much time working on new projects and concepts and now it’s time to take those ideas out into the world and share them with other people. This sector also highlights collaboration so keep an eye out for potential dynamic duos who could boost you along the way.
Mercury will begin this phase by retracing some of the backwards steps it took back in August, so don’t be surprised if the first few days of this cycle feel like old issues are coming back up for inspection, since it is only too likely you’ll be putting certain matters to bed once and for all.
The 11th hits with a particular Half Moon in Sagittarius and your 6th House of Daily Work, which might leave you feeling as though you’ve left a few too many projects on the backburner. If the urge to get your life in order strikes don’t be surprised, and don’t fight it either; things are wildly out of balance right now and this energy is the perfect reminder that we must find inner balance before we can find it outside of ourselves. Clear up any clutter, and if there are any areas of your home you’ve let get out of sorts, it’s time to put everything back in its proper place, including yourself.
The next major event of the week occurs on the 12th, when the Sun your 3rd House of Local Community and Communications will form a square to Jupiter in Gemini and your dreamy 12th House of the Subconscious. Together these planets want you to have fun and enjoy life, but the angle between them is rather combustible, so you could feel a bit dragged along, like you’re on a merry-go-round that won’t seem to slow down. It’s great to bounce all over the place and talk to so many people, but try to make sure you’re doing more than just scratching the surface, or this could pass you by without much to show for it.
Venus will make her own connection to Jupiter on the 15th, this time a positive trine from Libra and your 4th House of Home and Family, so this could be a terrific day to spend under your own roof with people who are near and dear to you. Playing host may be exactly what the doctor ordered.