Gemini Sex Horoscope
Jan 19, 2025 - Busy, busy, busy; the stars overhead are going to be keeping you BUSY, Gemini, so don’t be surprised if sex and instant gratification have to get shunted quite a ways way down your list of priorities. The Sun leaves Capricorn today and jumps into Aquarius and your boundless 9th House of foreign cultures and travel, turning your attention away from the bedroom and further afield to lands unseen for the next four weeks.
With so much going on it might be impossible to find a moment for a little bit of private time behind closed doors, but chances are you’ll be so distracted you won’t ever realize. If you’re really trying to hunt down a new bedroom buddy then get on your phone and start swiping away; these transits favor technology so an app could be the right way to go.
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