Gemini Sex Horoscope: Yesterday

Gemini Zodiac Sign

Feb 08, 2025 - Today may feel more like a stepping stone to an eventual romantic rendezvous, rather than actually getting you there today, although that outcome isn’t impossible if you put your mind to it, either.

Alluring Venus is currently in your 11th House of Social Networks, which is quite platonic territory in general, but it is useful for making new acquaintances who could introduce to your potential partners down the line; this is also your technology sector, so an app can be even more useful than normal.

However, the Moon in your 2nd House of Earned Income will be driving you to get to work, and it will be squaring off against Venus, diving your attention, so your social plans may get waylaid by more professional obligations. Make the most of the day, but if it doesn’t involve sex, know that you can get it more easily in the future.

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