Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Sep 16, 2024 - Sep 22, 2024

The energy is anything but quiet this week, Libra, as on the 17th the skies will glow with a powerful Full Moon in Pisces in your 6th House of Work and Wellness, shining a major spotlight on the way you operate your daily life and the things you do to make sure you’re feeling your best. If you’ve been looking for a time to get your life in order (did a few of those 2024 resolutions fall to the wayside?) consider this your cosmic cue to get down to brass tacks. Since this Full Moon is an eclipse you can expect your work life to shift dramatically under this energy, but because there will be such a seismic shift the smartest thing to do is to not plan too extensively; the name of the game with eclipses is to watch and wait and plan accordingly. You’ll be thrown in the spotlight even more next month when you host a Libra Solar Eclipse New Moon in your own sign, so there is no need to rush into anything just yet. Your time is indeed coming.

Later in the week it’s time to power up your engines and blast off from the starting line because it is your moment to shine! On the 22nd the Sun exits Virgo and your sleepy 12th House of the Subconscious and dives into your sign and your 1st House of Self-Expression and Action for the next four weeks. This is your birthday season for reason; it’s time to put your desires and aims front and center so don’t think about hiding yourself away when you should be finding a place for yourself at center stage. The world will begin to open up to you over the next few weeks in ways that it hasn’t in a very long time, but don’t be surprised if a lot of opportunities come to you out of the blue: the Universe has some surprises in store for you and you’re sure to enjoy them.

The final big moment of the week also arrives on the 22nd, when your ruler romantic Venus will leave your sign, where she has been rotating since the end of August. You might have learned a lot of lessons about love during this time, or faced some hard truths about a certain relationship, but it’s time to move on from this as Venus moves into Scorpio and your 2nd House of Earned Income and Material Possessions for the next three and a half weeks. This will orient your attention onto matters more tangible than emotional, but after the romantic roller coaster you’ve been on, it’s time to finally get things settled with a shift in focus.


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