Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Jul 21, 2024 - Jul 27, 2024

It’s time to plug back into the world and see what everyone is up to, Libra. Your life is about to get very busy come the 22nd, which might sound a bit daunting after the hectic month you’ve had. With the Sun lighting up Cancer and your professional sector, things have been a bit of a whirlwind, but there is a significant change in the wind as the Sun moves into Leo and your 11th House of Social Groups and Global Communications. For the next four weeks people will prove their worth, and you can be sure this will include a few new acquaintances so keep your eyes open for potential collaborators. Likewise, if you’ve been thinking about submitting your application for a particular club or organization, this cycle is the perfect time to throw your hat in the ring, so to speak.

There is a major planetary transit occurring right after this change, and while some signs might try and use that to their personal advantage, that’s not really written in the stars for you right now. Throughout the 23rd, el Sol will form a powerful once-a-year opposition to transformative Pluto in your 5th House of Passion and Creativity. Trying to find a balance between your own needs and those of others could be exceptionally difficult right now, but that will require all your energy regardless so don’t feel guilty about putting serious matters on the backburner for the day. Likewise, you may feel the need to be a bit selfish in order to feel validated, and that can be alright so long as you know where to draw the line. Overdoing it the problem.

Now then, on a very different note, Mercury has spent the last couple of weeks in Leo and your outgoing 11th House. During this time, you probably met a lot of new and interesting people and came across some new and very interesting ideas you intend to take with you into the future and put to use. Well, before you take off on any grand adventure it’s time to pause and review all the information you’ve acquired over the last year. On the 25th Mercury slips into Virgo and your sleepy 12th House of the Subconscious, effectively turning your reality into something of a dreamland. During this transit, you’ll want to be extra careful when it comes to any important material matters as lines can blur all the more easily under this cycle, most especially since it will include a three-week retrograde phase beginning in August. Use this time to clear out your mental decks so that by the time Mercury arrives in your sign you’ll be in the perfect shape to benefit from all its gifts.


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