Friends, we are about to get some amazing energy to brighten up your summer: the transit of Mars in Leo! When I think of the themes of Mars in Leo, I think of the infectious, charming, and driven personalities of Hillary Clinton, Robert Redford, and Thomas Jefferson. All three of them share the placement of Mars in Leo in their natal charts. That gifts them with some special qualities that include a drive to succeed, but in a way that creates a lasting impression, and a lasting legacy.
Hillary Clinton, for example, has a laugh that the entire world, even her political opponents, will chuckle over because it’s unforgettable. Robert Redford, well, he is probably charming and irresistible even when he has the flu. We are embarking on this transit of Mars in Leo very soon, and it is lovely energy that we will have from July 20 until September 5. Let’s look at how you can use the energy of Mars in Leo to work hard, play harder, and leave an impression that nobody will ever forget.
What is Mars in Leo?
Mars in Leo is the transit of the planet Mars through the zodiac sign of Leo. You can have this transit in your birth chart, but you can also just experience this energy once a year every time Mars enters Leo for a few weeks. We are soon upon that time! The fiery, warrior planet Mars enters the fire sign, Leo. Fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius will feel it the most, but it will impact all people, no matter your zodiac sign.
We have the drive, assertive, war planet Mars that wants you to fight, and fight hard. It enters the lovable sign of Leo that wants you to play, and play hard. This is an exciting combination of energy because you are both fired up, and willing to do whatever it takes to reach some goals and small goals aren’t going to be enough.
Like Hillary Clinton, Robert Redford, and Thomas Jefferson, you want to succeed in goals that leave a lasting impression and legacy. You want your win to be remembered for generations to come. Not only do you want it, but you have the drive to make it happen. That’s why this transit is so much fun and exciting. It can end up being a successful period for those that use this energy right.
Related Article: How to Boost Your Mood Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Take a Gamble
While Mars and Leo both offer us two completely different, almost opposing, energies. One thing these two Universe elements share is passion. Mars is also willing to take a gamble to win, and so is Leo. So while Mars is in Leo, go after a relationship with that person you have been eyeing up, or find ways to have fun with your current partner, strike out of a rut to land that big job, you have to roll the dice baby!
Don’t worry about making mistakes. Leo’s philosophy is that is a problem for the future and that you will fix them later if any problems crop up. Mars just wants to compete and to win. You aren’t going to see that happen if you are just sitting on the sidelines waiting for good things to come to you. You have to go out and get it!
Many times when Mars energy is in play we say, don’t follow your impulses. Not this time. If you get the urge to do it, do it. Do NOT stop and think about it. Stopping to ponder and analyze the situation will nip that drive in the bud and kill it. Try to follow your impulses during this transit, but also stay committed to your end game.
The impulsive urges you are feeling are the Mars energies coming at you. Leo is a fixed sign and doesn’t stop until they get what they want. So don’t pick up on a gamble and impulse and then drop it because it feels tough. Ride it to the end, because that’s where the miracles are.
Think of Mars in Leo like your one chance to show the world this year what you are really about. Think of it like a parade. Here’s your chance to throw it all in the ring, and show off your true gifts. Are you going to stop in the middle of the parade because you got tired? Nope. Keep on going until you hit the final stop on the parade route. Use the energy of Mars to work hard during that parade and use Leo to stay committed to the end game so you can play harder when it’s all said and done.
Mars in Leo will be the transit that will begin June 20 and last until September 5. This is the transit where your inner warrior comes out, and you show the world everything you’ve got as you pursue some big goals. It’s about following those impulses per Mars, staying committed to your end game per Leo, and riding it out with fanfare to the very end to leave that lasting legacy that nobody is going to forget anytime soon.
You have the rest of the summer to work this out (or the winter if you join us from the southern hemisphere of the world.) That’s a long time to show off how awesome you are. Show the world that you have come to take and fight for what’s yours and by September you can roar with pride.
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