What the Tarot Forecasts for Summer 2020

The summer sun and vacation breeze is finally here, but we all know that much more works beneath the surface in order to create paradise. Whether it’s the mysterious inner workings of the Moon phases or a retrograde here and there, the Universe works in mystical, and sometimes confusing, ways that we may wish to decode in order to best make our summer plans.

You may be keeping up with the movement of the planets and stars to snag a little glimpse into what that might be for you, but the magical tool of the Tarot has plenty to say as well!

Whether you wish for a love prediction, are curious about career and finances, or just need a general reading, the cards are never limited in their wide reach of answers.

We’ve taken a look at what the Tarot had to say for each sign of the zodiac for summer 2020. Look for your zodiac family (or element) below, and see what the cards have forecasted for you.

Your 2020 Summer Tarot Reading

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

General Reading: 8 of Cups

For all of our fiery friends, this summer is about clearing out the old and making way for the new. As you light the way with your passion and inner flame, do not forget that your bravery and courage are some of your strongest assets that will allow you to move steadily in the right direction — no matter how difficult it may be to set the past ablaze.

Love Reading: 7 of Swords

Be cautious of who and what you let into your life at this time. As so much is in flux for you this summer season, it’s important that you keep your wits about you, and do your best to fulfill each goal and path with completion and integrity, especially concerning matters of the heart.

This card encourages you to not take the easy way out with regards to love, and to remember what it is that you truly hold dear to your heart.

Career & Finance: Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands is at home with the element of fire, and with her she brings the right amount of confidence, independence, creativity, and spunk to forge the path of her dreams.

This card is a fortuitous sign that career and finance are one area that will truly be your domain this summer, and to confidently pursue whatever the career or wealth of your dreams may be.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

General Reading: 9 of Cups

This summer season is about something all Water signs are well-acquainted with — dreams, illusions, and your true feelings and desires.

You may find yourself heavily pondering what it is you wish to see in your future, or find yourself daydreaming a bit more than usual. While your head is up in the clouds, know that what you desire is closer at hand than you might think so long as you remember to come back down to earth to make it happen.

Love Reading: The Hanged Man, Reversed

You may have been in a period of pause and suspension with regards to love recently, but with The Hanged Man flipped upside down, there is the sense that love is back in action for you this summer.

While it may not exactly be around the corner in the way you may hope quite yet, a definite progress is made this season as you further solidify your dreams and desires for the future. Keep your eye on the prize and trust that this card propels you in the direction that you need!

Career & Finance: The Empress, Reversed

This may be an area that feels a bit more out of reach this summer season, but rest assured that you will find your way.

The Empress in all of her financially abundant glory wishes to bring you the monetary blessings you desire, but she’s momentarily put on pause as you work through the necessary 9 of Cups action seen earlier. Don’t fret — she’s not slipping away anytime soon, and she, and all that she represents, will be waiting for you once you’re ready.

Read this next: Shake Off Stress with this 4-Card Tarot Spread

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

General Reading:Judgement, Reversed

Our lovely Air signs may be second guessing themselves quite a bit this summer season — after all, as cerebral and heavy-thinking zodiac signs, the mind can be both your greatest asset and your Achilles heel.

As positive as it may be to clear out that active noggin of yours, be wary of falling into self-doubt or overthinking, as it may stunt your progress in the real world.

Love Reading: The Tower, Reversed

This feels like a bit more of a stagnant area for our Air signs this summer. The Tower in reversed position can be more of an unsettling feeling if anything, but you shouldn’t expect anything majorly catastrophic or surprising to be thrown your way anytime soon.

Feel free to place the focus back on yourself and continue to make headway with that Judgement card that we just went over!

Career & Finance: 4 of Pentacles

Perhaps you’ve had some difficulties with others snatching up your well-deserved time, energy, and even financial resources, because it seems our Air signs are cautiously watching over what is theirs this summer.

You may be feeling a bit stingier with your purse strings, but remember that what goes around comes around. While you don’t have to go blowing your wallet all at once, it’s okay to loosen up every now and then to buy yourself something nice this summer.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

General Reading: 6 of Pentacles

The 6 of Pentacles brings to light the dynamic of giving and receiving — in other words, you may be feeling extra generous this summer, Earth signs! There’s something in the air for you with regards to generosity, and being of assistance to others as you contribute greatly to those around you, and perhaps even your wider community.

While this looks to be positive work, just remember not to spread yourself too thin!

Love Reading: Temperance, Reversed

For our grounded Earth signs, love may be an area that needs a bit more… well, love. Some balance and restructuring is needed here in order to make sure that you’re getting what you’re putting out there.

These adjustments don’t have to be anything too major or serious. Some self-love and “me” time can go a long way in restoring your emotional needs to where they need to be before jumping too deeply into your interpersonal connections this season.

Career & Finance: The Emperor

This is where you shine, Earth signs! The Emperor foretells a prosperous, confident, and leadership-minded summer that could seriously take your career and finances to the next level.

This card asks you to be willing to step up to the plate, take action, and have confidence that your specific gifts and talents are needed, valuable, and are worth their weight in gold. And if you do so, you can expect to see a serious payout by the end of the summer!

Keep in Mind…

Much like an astrological forecast, a Tarot reading can be a helpful road map of what to expect ahead, and help you make the necessary changes or adjustments that you see fit in order to have a more enjoyable summer experience.

Just know that how much you wish to use the knowledge of the stars or the cards is always up to you! The cards will be there for you no matter how far you feel like veering “off road,” and you can always return to the Tarot for guidance and support if you’re in a pinch.

Make sure to utilize our daily Tarot readings for more insights!

About The Author

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.
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