Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 26 – August 1, 2021

Are you looking for fun yet clear communication with a side of practical motivation? Then this is your week because the stars are bringing two magical transits your way this week that will help clear up communication while giving your sense of ambition a boost!

And while this may seem like a slow astrological week, these two particular transitions have a great deal of energy to bring your way, so buckle up!

It all starts on July 27th, when Mercury, the planet of communication and the sharing of information, moves into spicy, fiery Leo.

That’s right, Leo season is almost here, and it begins with this warm and friendly transit. When Mercury is in the sign of Leo, you feel a heightened sense of confidence regarding your thinking, ideas, and conversations, making it easier for you to put yourself out there both mentally and verbally.

Then, on August 29th, Mars – the planet of ambition and drive, moves into pragmatic, earthy Virgo. This transit amplifies your ability to focus on hard work and tasks that will further move you towards your goals and dreams. You’ll feel a greater sense of satisfaction after completing an important job or task than ever before, making it easier to get things done. And the more work you complete during this time, the closer you’ll get to the finish line.

These two transits come together to create the perfect energy for moving closer to your ultimate goals and dreams. You’ll not only be able to confidently share your thoughts and ideas with others, but you’ll also feel more motivated to take action than you have been for a long time.

July 26 – August 1 is a Week to Speak Up, Stand Out, & Get Things Done

Mercury in Leo lights a fire within and encourages you to speak up when you have a great idea, to stand out from the crowd. It’s time to let your inner light shine on the world.

On the other hand, Mars in Virgo asks that you follow your sense of ambition and drive, tackling any tasks that you feel motivated and determined to tackle.

This week challenges you to put yourself out there and let your sense of motivation and willingness to bend to the task drive you. If you allow these astrological forces to guide you, there’s no limit to what you can share and accomplish.

Illustrated planets of the solar system revolving around the Sun.

Planetary Locations During July 26 – August 1, 2021

  • Sun: Leo (July 22, 2021 – August 22, 2021)
  • Mercury: Cancer (July 11, 2021 – July 27), Leo (July 27, 2021 – August 11, 2021)
  • Venus: Virgo (July 21, 2021 – August 16, 2021)
  • Mars: Leo (June 11, 2021 – July 29, 2021), Virgo (July 29, 2021 – September 14, 2021)
  • Jupiter: Pisces (May 13, 2021 – July 28, 2021), Aquarius (July 28, 2021 – September 14, 2021)
  • Saturn: Aquarius (December 17, 2020 – March 7, 2023)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Capricorn (Until January 20, 2024)

Daily Astrology Snapshots for July 26 – August 1, 2021

Monday, July 26


Leo – Leo season continues to shine a light on your social life as well as your sense of confidence. Allow this warm, friendly energy to season everything you do.


Pisces – The Pisces Moon brings dreamy, imaginative, intuitive energy your way. Listen to your intuition right now and try to express yourself creatively.

Astrological Aspect

No major transits today.

Read next: What it Means When the Moon is in Your Rising Sign

Tuesday, July 27





Astrological Aspect

Mercury enters Leo – This transit spices up conversations as well as your ideas. Let those brilliant ideas flow, pay attention to them, and don’t be afraid to share them with others.

Wednesday, July 28




Aries – When the Moon is in Aries, your emotions take on a sense of passion. Try to find a way to release that passionate energy through physical movement.

Astrological Aspect

Jupiter retrograde enters Aquarius – You may see opportunities begin to pop up more frequently now – take advantage of these opportunities when possible.

Read next: What Your Sign Says About the Way You Love

Thursday, July 29





Astrological Aspect

Mars enters Virgo – The planet of ambition and passion takes on an element of practicality in this sign, helping you feel more connected to your chores. Tackle your to-do list during this transit!

Friday, July 30





Astrological Aspect

Moon in Taurus trine Mars in Virgo – Your confidence is heightened during this transit, and you’ll also be receiving more attention than ever. Try to enjoy it!

Saturday, July 31




Taurus – The Taurus Moon helps you connect to your senses, making this a great day for good food, delicious desserts, and art or movies that are visually pleasing.

Sunday, August 1





Astrological Aspect

Sun in Leo conjunct Mercury in Leo – Communication and thinking are sharper and more confident than ever. Pay attention to any flashes of insight you receive or great ideas that come to mind today.

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