Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: October 9 – 15, 2023

man sitting on the road gazing up at a purple starry night

Are you ready for a week of intense, passionate, transformative energy? Then, keep reading to see what the stars are bringing your way this week!

This week presents a fascinating celestial lineup with transformative energies at play. Pluto goes direct in Capricorn on October 10th, Mars enters Scorpio on October 12th, and a Solar eclipse graces us with its presence in Libra on October 14th. This convergence of cosmic events promises to bring powerful shifts and revelations in various aspects of our lives.

Pluto, the planet associated with transformation, rebirth, and profound change, has been retrograde in the pragmatic sign of Capricorn since late April. As it turns direct on October 10th, we can expect intense energies to surge forward. This cosmic shift signifies a time when hidden truths may come to light, and the deep-seated changes that have been brewing beneath the surface begin to manifest.

Pluto’s direct motion in Capricorn compels us to confront power dynamics, societal structures, and personal ambitions. It may bring issues related to authority, control, and responsibility to the forefront. During this period, it’s crucial to embrace transformation and face any necessary changes head-on, as they are likely to lead to long-lasting growth and empowerment.

Mars, the planet of action, ambition, and desire, enters its ruling sign of Scorpio on October 12th. Mars in Scorpio is known for its intensity, determination, and unwavering focus. This transit will infuse our actions and pursuits with a deep sense of purpose and an unrelenting drive to achieve our goals.

Under Mars in Scorpio’s influence, expect to feel more passionate and emotionally invested in your endeavors. It’s a time when you can tackle challenging tasks with persistence and transform obstacles into opportunities. However, be mindful of the potential for power struggles or conflicts arising from intense emotions. Use this energy constructively to dig deep and uncover hidden strengths.

The week culminates with a Solar eclipse in the harmonious sign of Libra on October 14th. Solar eclipses are potent New Moons that herald significant beginnings and transformations. In Libra, this eclipse emphasizes themes of balance, partnerships, and harmony.

During this Solar eclipse, you may experience a profound shift in your relationships or your approach to partnerships. It’s a time to reevaluate the give-and-take dynamics in your personal and professional connections. New opportunities for cooperation and diplomacy may arise, but they might require letting go of old patterns or beliefs that no longer serve your growth.

Read this next: The Ultimate Guide to Lunar & Solar Eclipses

October 9th – October 15th is a Week to Transform & Grow

This week’s energy encourages deep transformation, unwavering determination, and a reevaluation of our relationships and partnerships. Pluto going direct in Capricorn brings hidden truths to light, Mars in Scorpio fuels our ambitions with intensity, and the Solar eclipse in Libra prompts a reexamination of balance and cooperation.

Embrace these energies with openness and a willingness to evolve, as they have the potential to propel you toward meaningful growth and empowerment.

Planetary Locations During This Week

  • The Sun: Libra (September 23, 2023 – October 23, 2023)
  • Mercury: Libra (October 4, 2023 – October 22, 2023)
  • Venus: Virgo (October 8, 2023 – November 8, 2023)
  • Mars: Libra (August 27, 2023 – October 12, 2023), Scorpio (October 12, 2023 – November 24, 2023)
  • Jupiter: Taurus (May 16, 2023 – May 25, 2024)
  • Saturn: Pisces (March 7, 2023 – May 24, 2025)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Capricorn (June 11, 2023 – October 10, 2023)

Daily Astrology Snapshots

Monday, October 9


Libra – We become more social and playful while also willing to strike up a debate. We are looking for ways to balance our work and play. It’s easy to get caught up in other people’s drama.


Leo – The Leo Moon is childlike and lighthearted, helping you feel friendlier and more confident. This is a great day to share your affection with those you love!

Astrological Aspect

Leo Moon square Uranus in Taurus – A Moon square Uranus transit can bring unexpected emotional upheaval and restlessness.

You may feel a strong desire for change and a need to break free from routine, but be cautious about impulsive actions that can lead to emotional discord. It’s essential to stay adaptable and open to new insights during this time, as it can reveal hidden emotions and prompt personal growth.

Tuesday, October 10




Virgo – The Virgo Moon increases motivation and helps you feel better about any work or tasks on your plate right now. Don’t be afraid to tackle your to-do list.

Astrological Aspect

Pluto direct in Capricorn

Wednesday, October 11





Astrological Aspect 

Virgo Moon trine Jupiter in Taurus – A Moon trine Jupiter transit brings a sense of emotional well-being and optimism.

During this harmonious alignment, you can expect increased positivity, generosity, and a greater sense of ease in your interactions with others. It’s an ideal time for expanding your horizons, enjoying social activities, and nurturing your personal growth.

Thursday, October 12




Libra- The Libra Moon encourages balanced energy that helps you feel emotionally objective, friendly, and thoughtful. Practice meditation, yoga, or chakra work to promote even more harmony within the body and spirit.

Astrological Aspect

Mars enters Scorpio

Read this next: Your Ultimate Guide to Sun Signs

Friday, October 13





Astrological Aspect

Mars in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces – During a Mars trine Saturn transit, expect a boost in your ability to focus and accomplish tasks with discipline and determination.

It’s a favorable time for tackling projects that require steady effort and long-term planning as your energy and patience align effectively. However, avoid rushing into impulsive actions or confrontations, as this transit encourages a more deliberate and strategic approach to achieving your goals.

Saturday, October 14


Libra – We become more social and playful while also being willing to strike up a debate during Libra season. We are looking for ways to balance our work and play. It’s easy to get caught up in other people’s drama.



Astrological Aspect

Solar eclipse in Libra

Sunday, October 15




Scorpio – We want to talk about feelings or investigate the true motives of our loved ones when the Moon is in Scorpio. You may feel more focused on intimacy, passion, and willingness to be vulnerable.

Next, join astrologer Terence Guardino for this week’s video astrology forecast.

About The Author

Rhiannon Liselle

Rhiannon Liselle is a nomadic Sagittarius with a passion for writing and trying to help others grow. She’s studied astrology for about 10 years, and has been writing about metaphysical, spiritual, and esoteric subjects for 3 years. Rhiannon lives in the mountains of Colorado, and loves drinking coffee and spending time with her coloring books.
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