Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Oct 21, 2024 - Oct 27, 2024

Your ambitions are burning brightly this week, and there is nothing wrong with that so long as you don’t let them get the better of you. You’re focused on your goals as the Sun marches through Libra and your 10th House of Success, and this energy will reach a special crescendo on the 22nd when the Sun will square Pluto in your own sign, which could make you come off a little intense. Pluto may be small, but it really packs a punch, so you’ll want to be careful that you don’t let it overtake you, because people could find your approach rather forceful if you don’t remember to lead fairly and with diplomacy. It’s all well and good to charge towards the finish line or say that you’re the best person for a particular job, but don’t oversell yourself and don’t shove anyone out of the way on your ascent to the top.

With the Sun lighting up your professional sector things have been a bit of a whirlwind, but happily there is a significant change in the wind before the 22nd comes to a close as el Sol slips out of your ambitious 10th House and moves into Scorpio and your outgoing 11th House of Social Groups and Global Communications. For the next four weeks people will prove their worth, and you can be sure this will include a few new acquaintances so keep your eyes open for potential collaborators. Of course, you don’t need to worry that all the terrific energy and clout you’ve built up recently will suddenly disappear; rather, you now will get to enjoy the bounty of all your hard work as the planets brings the rewards you deserve in their wake.

On the 24th Uranus in Taurus and your 5th House of Pleasure will make a wonderful sextile to sexy Mars in Cancer and your 7th House of Partnerships. This is a very romantic vibration as is quite positive for couples and singles alike; singles could meet someone with lots of potential, while couples can enjoy more passion in their relationships. Since Uranus is the planet of surprise you likely won’t be expecting this heart-soaring moment to arrive, but when it does you’ll be more than grateful for the opportunity. The only way to miss it is if you consciously sit this one out and put your head in the sand, so avoid any tendencies to play the wallflower. It’s time for you the get out and have some fun.


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