Scorpio Money Horoscope: Yesterday
Jan 18, 2025 - The Moon is in Virgo and your 11th house of community today. Do you feel financially and materially supported by the communities you are a part of? Mutual aid is genuinely the only form of financial security we can hope to attain in our lives. The capitalist systems that run the world try to convince us that we need to be selfish and fend for ourselves. This makes us forget that we can establish systems of care and support for another that grant us the kind of material safety and stability we seek.
The Moon is also trining Uranus in your 7th house of partnerships. Do you also feel supported monetarily in your intimate one-on-one relations? Make sure you don’t fall into the trap of the glorification of hyper-independence. We are here to support one another and take care of each other when needed.
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