Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

For the week of: Feb 03, 2025 - Feb 09, 2025
There’s one important moment after another this week, Scorpio. The first arrives on the 4th when Venus leaves Pisces, where she has been giving your romantic life a bit of a shake-up due to a confusing number of angles. This transit shifts as the planet of pleasure moves into Aries and your 6th House of Routine, smoothing out your daily life and giving your financial flow some relief. For the duration of this transit you’ll find more enjoyment in your work, even if you normally like to avoid it like the plague; this is also a great time to start a new workout routine or healthy eating initiatives. You would be wise to keep in mind, however, that Venus will be turning retrograde next month for six weeks, backtracking through this territory, so your work life might become more of a battlefield than normal. Keep an eye on any budding office relationships, be they platonic, professional, or romantic, as they might require a major review in the second half of the summer.
Only a few hours later, lucky Jupiter turns direct after being retrograde since last autumn. During this time, Jupiter has been backstroking through Gemini and your intense 8th House of Shared Resources, so you might have been put through the ringer with a relationship as you recalibrate just how much of yourself you’re willing to give in a partnership, or perhaps matters of taxes or credit were paramount (the 2nd House rules your daily earned income, while the 8th deals with financial matters you share in tandem with someone else). It will take a month or two for Jupiter to work back up to his normal speed, but there will be more positivity on offer almost from the start.
The 5th features a balancing Half Moon in Taurus and your 7th House of Partnerships, reminding you to touch base with the nearest and dearest in your life. Is there someone special who hasn’t been getting enough of your attention lately? If a relationship has hit the skids this could be just the right moment to get it back to where it belongs, so don’t be scared of reaching out and bare your soul. That being said, remember that there is a difference between reaching out and healing, and reaching out to rake something up that should stay where it is. Use your discretion.
Sunday arrives on a beautiful note as messenger Mercury and the Sun align in Aquarius and your 4th House of Home and Family at the same degree. This could result in spending more time with your family–chosen or biological–or deciding you simply need to do some major nesting. Perhaps the place you hang up your hat is looking a little tired and needs a bit of redecorating. It would also be a lovely day to have a few friends over for brunch and gossip, so feel free to send out a few invitations. Also on the 9th, Mars in Cancer and your 9th House of Expansion will make a lovely trine to karmic Saturn in your 5th House of Pleasure and Creativity, which could get you in touch with matters nearer the heart. Someone may stir something deep inside you, someone who is outside your usual type of person, so keep an open mind because this person could wind up being very important to you for a long time to come.