Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Jul 22, 2024 - Jul 28, 2024

Your attention is narrowing in on the finish line this week, Scorpio. On the 22nd the primal Sun will blast into Leo and your 10th House of Professional Achievements and Reputation, encouraging you to work your way up life’s great ladder. The Sun will be moving through this sector of your chart for the next month, so get ready make it rain because the universe is blessing all your efforts right now. Don’t think all the excitement is about to die down, though; with action alluring Venus in your social 11th House, people will be clamoring for your attention and be eager to collaborate. This is going to be a big period of manifestation, so don’t let anything hold you back right now; VIPS and other supervisors will be especially willing to help you out, meaning there is no reason to be shy. Go forth into the world and make a name for yourself.

The very next day, el Sol will form a tense once-a-year opposition to powerful Pluto in your 4th House of Feelings and Foundations, which can ratchet up the stress factor to say the very least. Under this transit you could get forced into a situation you’re not entirely comfortable with, so if someone asks you to perform on a moments’ notice, don’t be scared to tell them you’re not available. A family member may also put pressure on you, or perhaps some sort of domestic issue takes up more of your time than you were hoping to give. Remember that “no” is a complete sentence, and be willing to use it at your own discretion.

Come the 25th, you get to take a backseat approach as Mercury switches signs after an ambitious tour through Leo and your professional 10th House. This is one of the busiest times of year for you, so it’s safe to say you’ve been burning the midnight oil. There may have been a few hiccups along the way and some learning curves that required your flexibility, but those matters are getting left behind as Mercury waves goodbye to this sector of your chart and moves on to Virgo and your outgoing 11th House of Social Networks. This cycle will actually include a three-week retrograde phase in August, which could see you reconnecting with old friends or acquaintances in order to come together and strengthen your bonds and your abilities, but you’d be wise to be careful about letting new people into your circle, as it may turn out that their values don’t align with yours as much as you might have assumed.


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