Taurus Love Horoscope

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Jul 26, 2024 - Today is the perfect day for you to communicate those feelings that you generally don't feel comfortable sharing with your partner. The Moon is in Aries and in your 12th house.

True connection is not possible if you are not willing to share your "darker" secrets with your partner. We generally think that if we were to express certain things that we would scare our partners away, but the reality is, if that is a relationship worth keeping, it will actually only bring you closer.

How can you develop an agreement with your partner where you promise to be transparent and honest with one another while holding safe space for each other?

Jul 26, 2024 - Life has been pretty rough lately, and even if you have been doing “okay,” it’s hard to believe a lot of us are doing “great!” The last few months have taken a bite out of a lot of people’s energy, and you might well…

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Jul 26, 2024 - It might be a little difficult to get a proper read on your desires today, powerful though they might be. Romantic Venus in your home sector is coming together in the sky with the intuitive Moon in your subconscious sector for their twice a…


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