Taurus Sex Horoscope

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Dec 02, 2024 - Trying to find the line between platonic and romantic could be more than a little difficult on a day like this, so keep that in mind as you move forward right now.

The Moon is in your intense 8th House of sex and intimacy, so you’re reading everyone like a direct invitation right now. Normally this is a great time to disappear behind bedroom doors with someone special, but that energy gets a huge side-swipe from hardworking Saturn in Pisces and your platonic 11th House of social groups and global communications. Just when you’re ready to get down to basics someone calls you out into the sunshine to party it up with everyone else–but is everyone else on the same page as you?

Careful about misinterpreting signals right now because more wires will get scrambled than uncrossed on a day like this.

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