Weekly Astrology Forecast: September 27 – October 3, 2021

Buckle up and get ready because your sense of balance and grounding will determine how your next few weeks sail along. We’ve got one major transit this week that might make you feel anxious at first – but with a little bit of centering and some preparation, we can help you get through it with grace and poise!

If you’re an astrology lover, you might already have an idea of the transit we’re going to talk about and prepare ourselves for today.

That transit is the infamous Mercury retrograde period that we all brace ourselves for a few times a year. This week, Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Libra on September 27th, where it will remain until October 18th.

Mercury is our planet of communication, information, intellect, and the mind – and when it’s retrograde, these areas of life seem to slow down or stall.

When Mercury is in retrograde, the planet is moving so slowly that it appears to be moving backward. That reduction of speed on such a speedy little planet can make things feel quite frustrating. It can feel difficult to think clearly, make decisions, communicate, and even travel short distances.

You might even notice people bumping into one another more often, as we’re all a bit clumsier during this time.

The key to surviving this transit – which occurs three to four times a year and lasts for about three weeks – is lots of patience! It might feel like things aren’t going your way or are moving too slowly, but it’s actually a great time for rest, relaxation, reflection, and reconnection! And because Mercury is in Libra during this retrograde period, a focus on balance is essential.

Grounding exercises and self-care practices are crucial right now, so don’t skip your routines and rituals! Balancing the Heart chakra and Throat chakras will help promote clear communication and ample compassion and empathy, which are necessities during this challenging transit.

Yoga, meditation, and grounding work will also help you gather more patience and resilience now.

Even something as simple as taking a step outside, kicking off your shoes, and letting your feet touch the ground beneath you can help you relax during a moment of tension during this Mercury retrograde period.

September 27 – October 3 is a Week to Reflect, Surrender, & Focus

Reflection is a key theme during Mercury retrograde – slowing down your thoughts and considering them thoroughly can help you work through frustration, collect yourself, and move forward with poise.

Surrendering to the Universe is crucial; while you may feel out of control during this transit, it’s important to maintain your trust in the benevolent forces taking care of you.

Amplify your focus this week to ensure you’re getting all the necessary information.

Double and triple-check your emails and texts, read through contracts with a magnifying glass and a fine-toothed comb, and sincerely consider any decisions you’re faced with. Following these tricks will help you sail through Mercury retrograde like an astrological pro!

An illustration of the planets of the solar system in a line with the Sun.

Planetary Locations During September 27 – October 3, 2021

  • Sun: Libra (September 22, 2021 – October 23, 2021)
  • Mercury: Libra (August 30, 2021 – November 5, 2021)
  • Venus: Scorpio (September 10, 2021 – October 7, 2021)
  • Mars: Libra (September 14, 2021 – October 30, 2021)
  • Jupiter: Aquarius (July 28, 2021 – December 28, 2021)
  • Saturn: Aquarius (December 17, 2020 – March 7, 2023)
  • Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
  • Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
  • Pluto: Capricorn (Until January 20, 2024)

Daily Astrology Snapshots for September 27 – October 3, 2021

Monday, September 27


Libra – Libra season continues to focus our attention on themes of balance, intellect, creativity, and sociability. Balancing exercises are the best way to get the most of this lighthearted Libra energy!


Gemini – The Gemini Moon heightens intellect and helps us start the week strong. Creative self-expression can help you release tension or frustration.

Astrological Aspect

Mercury retrograde in Libra – While Mercury retrograde can bring its own unique challenges, the balance and intellect of Libra season can help us through it. Remember to breathe, practice your self-care routines, and focus on grounding now.

Read next: The Complete Guide to 2021 Retrogrades

Tuesday, September 28




Cancer – You may feel like spending some time at home, cozy in your pajamas, while the Moon is in Cancer. This is a great time to rest and be sure to acknowledge and feel any emotions that you experience.

Wednesday, September 29





Astrological Aspect

Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces – Romance, creativity, and dreamy vibes are on the menu today! This is a fantastic day to be of service to others, as compassion is at an all-time high during this transit.

Read next: Your Must-Read Lunar Energy Check-In

Thursday, September 30





Astrological Aspect

Venus in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius – While you will likely feel positive and optimistic during this transit, it may feel hard to get work done or focus on tasks that seem boring.

Try to infuse your chores with a sense of excitement by playing your favorite playlist or promising yourself a reward after!

Friday, October 1




Leo – When the Moon is in Leo, you may feel feistier and more playful than usual. This is a great influence for letting loose and having an adventure.

Astrological Aspect

Mercury retrograde in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn – Deep thoughts and intensity during conversations with others are possible today. Clear your mind with a morning meditation to promote calm and understanding.

Saturday, October 2





Astrological Aspect

Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn – Relationships and companionships take on an intense quality, and you may long more deeply for connection today. Reach out to your loved ones and let them know that you care.

Sunday, October 3




Virgo – The Virgo Moon makes it easier to focus on small details and analyze situations. This transit also asks you to focus on your physical health and taking care of your body.

Astrological Aspect

Mercury retrograde in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius – Optimism and positive news are possible, lightening up the challenges that Mercury retrograde brings. This is a good day for research, as it’s easier to focus.

What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope – here on Astrology Answers! Did this overview resonate with you? Get another astrologer’s take on this week’s astrology forecast.

Related article: Your Ultimate Guide to Controversial Mercury Retrograde

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