Prepare to mark up your calendars for Halloween in more ways than one — the astrology of any holiday can be just as important as whatever your big plans may be!
In fact, checking up on what is going on in the stars at the time of any given holiday can better inform your idea of what your plans should be, how they can be best fit for the occasion, and what to change or avoid. Astrology can be an excellent tool in letting you in on the emotional landscape of any given situation.
So buckle in! We’re going to explore the astrology of this Halloween 2020, and see what the Universe has in store for us this spooky season.
First, a Little Bit About Halloween
The very name Halloween comes from the term “All Hallow’s Eve”. Like many Pagan festivals, this one was incorporated into early Christianity. All Hallows Eve—Halloween—is celebrated on October 31st, with All Saints Day (November 1st) and All Souls Day (November 2nd) making up the 3 day festival.
The definition of ‘hallow’ means holy, so All Hallows Eve was a time when people gathered to seek blessings and deliverance from anything evil.
Then on All Saints Day, the names of the dead were spoken in remembrance. Finally, All Souls Day was a time of spirituality and contemplation for all, the living and the dead, and especially for those souls in purgatory. A clearly special holiday with a variety of traditions, there is ever a need to see what the stars have in store for it.
Costumes are very popular these days, but it was customary to always hide the face in the past. This stemmed from the belief that if a mask was worn, a person wouldn’t be recognized by any evil spirits that meant mischief or harm, and they’d be safe for another year.
Nail down the perfect Halloween 2020 costume: The Perfect Halloween Costume for You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign
Food was always a big part of Halloween, and this has now evolved into the candy and other sweets. Some cultures looked at Halloween as a time to celebrate the end of the harvest, recognizing that the long and often desolate nights of winter were rapidly approaching.
Another food tradition is that of the Christian activity of souling, where children would walk from house to house, singing prayers for the families deceased in exchange for a “soul cake.”
Our modern “trick or treat” phrase is actually much newer!
Witches & More
Halloween wouldn’t be Halloween without the stereotypical witch, now, would it? However, the old hag originally was neither ugly nor spooky. As Halloween marked the end of the old Celtic year, it was represented by an old woman.
Called “the crone,” she represented age, wisdom, and the ever-changing cycles of nature. Due to many misconceptions about the meaning of Samhain and the traditional beliefs around this festival, this old wise-woman has now morphed into the “ugly and evil witch” that is often promoted as something to fear around Halloween.
What is a witch without her trusty sidekick? Black cats were feared because some believed the devil turned himself into a cat so he could wander undetected amid people; but some cultures actually believe that to see a black cat is fortunate.
Bats are a symbol of death and rebirth in many cultures, and some believed that they were witches’ familiars.
Planetary Placements on Halloween

Let’s check up on inner planets Sun, the Moon, Mars, Venus, and Mercury to see how they are transiting and roaming this Halloween 2020. As these planets can affect our emotions, actions, impulses, communication, and more, there is obviously utmost importance in checking up on them individually!
The Sun
The Sun will be in sultry Scorpio, making us obsessive and inclined to get lost in fantasy. This can be fun for creating imaginative costumes, but don’t lose yourself in delusions and fantasy (hey, we’ve all been there).
The desire for emotional intensity, connection, and vulnerability can be extremely present with Sun in Scorpio energy out and about, so expect the unexpected and don’t deny yourself of these impulses.
This can make for a fantastic environment for divination overall, so you may want to break in a new deck of Tarot cards or even attempt an entirely new divinatory method overall. The energy is potent; you just have to harness it for yourself!
The Moon
The Moon will be in sensual, grounded Taurus this Halloween… but that’s not all.
Aside from the potential for getting in touch and grounded with your emotional self, this Taurus moon takes it up a notch by turning full on October 31st.
Having a Full Moon on Halloween could not be more perfect nor more powerful! In particular, this placement and Full Moon makes money manifestation and rituals all the more potent. However, as with most Full Moons, the energy is yours to harness as it may sit differently with everyone.
Prepare in advance by granting yourself the space to sit with the energy of this Full Moon on Halloween and have the breathing room to use the time as needed, whether that is a simple meditation, a money ritual, or something else entirely.
For Halloween 2020, Mars sits in Cardinal sign Aries. The action-based, impulsive, and driven planet of Mars usually thrives when in similarly energetic Aries, but Mars retrograde is still going to be occurring during this Halloween.
This turns much of the regularly motivational and driven impulses inwards, potentially burning us out quickly and creating a stronger need for R&R. During this Halloween, avoid making any wild, outgoing ventures and consider a balance of calm indoor activities to offset this energy.
Learn more about Mars & Aries: The Energy of Mars Retrograde in Aries, Broken Down
Venus, planet of love, will be sitting in the harmonizing sign of Libra this Halloween — arguably one of its most comfortable spots to be in! This makes connecting with others and sharing in the spooky, festive merriment of the holiday season much more cohesive and enjoyable, and you may feel more inclined to share in the festivities with others versus alone this Halloween.
Rather than large groups of people, experiencing the benefits of Venus in Libra is great in one-on-one settings where more intimate connections can thrive, so make time for the ones you love most to celebrate this spooky season.

The communicative planet of Mercury also has found its place with Libra this Halloween, but unlike Venus, will be retrograde during this year’s spooky season.
Despite whatever chatter you may have heard about Mercury retrograde, know that it does not have to be as daunting or dooming as you may think. In fact, Mercury retrograde in Libra can increase the potency of your regular self-care affirmations (as Libra dawns from the planet of love itself).
The key to handling a Mercury retrograde is to go with the flow rather than against the grain. Just keep in mind that a retrograde simply means that the energy of planet turns inward, and for thought-heavy and communication-based Mercury, this just means checking in with your own internal dialogue regularly.
We’ve been experiencing the effects of Saturn in Capricorn for a while now, but there’s something even more special about this particular transit during Halloween 2020. It won’t be another 12 years before we see Saturn in Capricorn on a Halloween night, which means that it’s imperative that we take advantage of this most auspicious transit on this most potent day.
With Saturn in Capricorn, the fruits of your labor are truly meant to come into fruition. We see the real work of cause and effect, of risk and reward, all come alive. Similar to the Full Moon in Taurus, this can make money manifestation rituals more potent, but in reality Saturn in Capricorn is much more about the bigger picture.
In other words, if you’ve already been putting in the work and effort, you may simply sit back and watch as “good luck” (or really, good karma) come to fruition this Halloween season.
Connecting The Planets to The Big Picture
This collection of planetary energies and transits can be summarized in one word: intense.
There are some overlying themes of financial rewards, relationship harmony, and self-care, but the main takeaway should be to expect the unexpected and prepare yourself for some truly intense emotional and energetic landscapes.
2020 has been a year of surprises, shocks, turns, and twists galore. And with two retrogrades in full swing, a Full Moon in action, and an auspicious transit that we won’t see again for over a decade, there is undoubtedly room for surprise.
If you ever find yourself at a loss and it seems that chaotic events are happening for “no reason,” it’s always a worthwhile activity to check up on the astrology of the moment. However, you can also prepare yourself for these moments by looking ahead at particularly important dates and times, like Halloween.
Especially when spooky season rolls around, the veil between the physical and metaphysical thins, and the autumn air settles in, there is always a benefit to checking in with the more mysterious side of a typical calendar.
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