Aries Weekly Horoscope

Aries Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Jul 21, 2024 - Jul 27, 2024

This week is bringing you an interesting mix of pleasure and professionalism, with a touch of intensity along the way for good measure. On the 22nd the primal Sun blasts out of Cancer and of your foundational 4th House of Home and Family and jumps into Leo and your expressive 5th House of Passion and Creativity. This cycle is all about enjoying life and the beauty it has to offer, so don’t be surprised if work or other serious matters are the last thing on your mind for the time being, while romantic or artistic pursuits will take the lead. That being said, if you really want to find some new way to earn a few extra dollars or make professional progress, see if you have any talents or hobbies you could turn into more than just a hobby. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how much your paintings or poems fetch when the right customer comes along.

This cycle will be full of positive times, although the very next day might bring a bit of an intense moment as on the 23rd, el Sol will be forming a very intense and powerful opposition to nefarious Pluto in your 11th House of Social Groups and Global Communications, which can stir up power-plays within your friendships and other organized networks. Someone could emerge from your crew whom you’d firmly placed on Team Aries, only to find out they’ve been batting for someone else this whole time. You may also feel some need to break away from any expectations and do your own thing, so don’t think you need to go with the herd if you can’t be bothered to make do with everyone else’s nonsense.

Fortunately, life will offer you the chance to get things cleared up on the 25; you’ve been on a worldly pleasure cruise ever since Mercury entered Leo and your outgoing 5th House for its annual stay. Hopefully you enjoyed yourself on more than one occasion because there is a major shift in the energy overhead as Mercury waves goodbye to this sector of your chart and moves on to Virgo and your efficient 6th House of Daily Work and Routine. For the next couple of months, the Universe wants you to streamline your program of getting in shape, both mentally, physically, and spiritually. By becoming your best self you’ll be able to make leaps and bounds on the professional front, so remember that by taking care of you, you also take care of your needs both here in the present and down the road in the future. This transit will be longer than usual because of a retrograde phase that will next month, but just think of it as having more time to get your life in order.


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