Libra Love Horoscope: Tomorrow

Libra Zodiac Sign

Jul 27, 2024 - Is it easy for you to experience intimacy with your romantic partner? What are the things that scare you the most in your partnership that may be preventing you from experiencing as much closeness and depth with your lover? Ask yourself these important questions today as the Moon is in Taurus and in your 8th house.

True intimacy is being able to share those "darker" or less happy parts of yourself with your significant other. Unfortunately, this is something we are not conditioned to do, we are told directly or indirectly by society that there are parts of ourselves that are best not to be shared with others, because otherwise they will leave us or judge us.

Therefore, this is a great time for you to practice bringing more of that dialogue between you and your partner, making sure that both of you feel safe and trust one another to bring those aspects of yourselves into the partnership.

Jul 27, 2024 - Things could get a little intense today. As far as professional or material ventures go you’re not entirely up a creek without a paddle, but people are not going to be as supportive as normal so how about working away at things on your…

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Jul 27, 2024 - Life is going to be pulling you in different directions today, and while you’re better equipped than most signs to deal with this kind of transit that doesn’t exactly make it any more fun or desirable. The intuitive Moon is moving through your intense…


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