Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Oct 21, 2024 - Oct 27, 2024

This week could feel a little intense Pisces. The Sun is currently moving through Libra and your intense 8th House of Shared Resources, which can stir up lots of complicated conversations about what’s yours versus what’s ours. It can govern everything from financial matters to physical intimacy, and on the 22nd it will square off Pluto in Capricorn and your 11th House of Social Networks, which could make you feel like people are putting their noses in your business, or are trying to spill some secrets you’d rather keep hidden. You might have people clamoring for your attention when you need to roll up your sleeves and deal with more important things, so if you want to avoid any power struggles then it would be best to hang up the do-not-disturb sign. People won’t be quite as supportive as you would like, either, so take your space as needed.

Now, the primal Sun has spent the last month moving through your intense 8th House, which can be great for getting your money in order but doesn’t make for the lightest of transits, but before the 22nd comes to a close, the Sun waves farewell and jumps into Scorpio and your expansive 9th House of Expansion and Adventure. While the world might have felt very tight and boxed in lately, all of a sudden it’s going to feel like someone kicked open a door and a few windows to boot. Now that you’ve got all your ducks in a row you can go out into the world and look for new opportunities to increase your standing¬¬, knowing that the Universe has your back and wants to help you break down as many barriers and boundaries as possible. Start spreading your wings; it’s time to soar!

You could have an especially fun and even romantic time a few days later, as Uranus in Taurus and your 3rd House of Local Community and Communications will make a lovely sextile to sexy Mars in Cancer and your 5th House of Passion on the 24th. This energy is terrific for singles looking to mingle, since there will be a surprising amount of options for you to choose from, while couples should make a point to hit the town for a special date, igniting the spark between you like when you first started going out. Uranus loves to throw a surprise or two your way, so there may be an event or invitation that arrives unexpectedly, but it will be incredibly enticing so make sure you RSVP ‘yes.’ There’s no time like the present!


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