Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Jul 22, 2024 - Jul 28, 2024

You can get a better grip on life this week, Pisces. On the 22nd it’s time for mission efficiency as the primal Sun blasts into Leo and your 6th House of Daily Work. For the last four weeks you had the Sun moving through your happiness sector. but it’s finally time to buckle down and get serious. Since this sector of your chart rules your workaday routine, among other things, don’t be surprised if you see things begin to pick up at the office–or wherever it is you go to earn your money–because that’s exactly where your attention will be focused for the time being. This same cycle is also wonderful for improving your health, so if you’ve been putting off a visit to the doctor or simply fallen off the bandwagon where your habits are concerned, now you can begin to change tact and nurture yourself that much more efficiently.

The 23rd is going to host a rather confusing angle, so don’t be surprised if your day takes a strange turn. The Sun is going to lock into its once-a-year opposition to nefarious Pluto in Aquarius and your 12th House of the Subconscious. One minute you might be raring to roll up your sleeves and get to work, the next all you want to do is go back to sleep. You may also feel off for some reason without knowing why, or perhaps some old emotional baggage decides to rear its head. Try and ride this wave the best you can, and if the going gets tough just remind yourself it’s only temporary and there are far better skies awaiting you on the horizon.

Things take a turn a few days later, but it will be a much less surprising turn. Over the last couple of weeks, you’ve hosted messenger Mercury in Leo and your orderly 6th House; this transit is normally great for getting down the basics and amplifying your efficiency, but there were a few tough transits that might have caused some problems along the way as well. Fortunately, there is a huge shift in energy on the 25th as Mercury waves goodbye to this sector and dives into Virgo and your 7th House of Partnerships and Contracts. For the next couple of months, you’re going to be focused on separating the wheat from the chaff as all kinds of opportunities start to present themselves to you. Try and utilize the recent upgrades Mercury gave you as you sort through all your options and you’ll come out of this phase with a new and improved station regarding another person. You could also field some very interesting offers during this time, so keep your eyes peeled, but do be careful about reading the fine print before signing anything; Mercury will turn retrograde in August for three weeks, so you may have to renegotiate a few matters during this time.


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