Scorpio Love Horoscope: Yesterday

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Oct 21, 2024 - The Moon is in Gemini today and in your 8th house, however it is also squaring Saturn in your 5th house of romance. This configuration is emphasizing the importance of finding the balance between the fun, light-hearted, sexy parts of your intimate partnerships and the heavier, deeper and darker aspects of it.

You can not have a healthy and successful relationship without having either of those two components be a part of it. Today is a great day for you to practice finding the sweet spot between those dynamics between you and your lover.

Learn how to enjoy yourself and just have a good time while also making sure that you are also sharing the less bouncy parts of yourself with one another.


Oct 21, 2024 - Things might feel a little bit off today, but not necessarily in a bad way. The Sun is currently moving through your quiet 12th House for a month of reflection and closure, and while this phase isn’t really about making powerful moves or starting…

Oct 21, 2024 - Take a step back from the herd. You’ve just entered your power-down phase for the year as the Sun recently slipped into your sleepy 12th House of the subconscious. This realm is all about letting go and commuting with powers higher than ourselves, so…


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