Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Jul 22, 2024 - Jul 28, 2024

You may feel out of it one moment this week, the plugged in the very next, Virgo. It’s time to take your foot off the gas and just coast for a while on the 22nd as the primal Sun dives into Leo and your 12th House of the Fantasy and Dreams. For the next month, the Universe wants you to focus on weeding out any unnecessary aspects of your life, be they toxic people, negative habits, or anything else that might be holding you back. You need to get rid of these things so that when the Sun blasts into your sign next month you’ll be ready with open arms to receive all the incredible bounty life is planning to bring your way. For now, however, remember that less is more and instead of trying to start new projects, focus on bringing them to completion. That’s where your satisfaction will lie for now.

The 23rd is going to feel rather confusing thanks to a hectic angle impacting the skies. The Sun is reaching out across the sky to form its once-a-year opposition to powerful Pluto, currently hanging out in retrograde formation in Aquarius and your 6th House of Daily Work and Routine, which could create some struggles between the work you need to do and your own ability to make it happen. Since these energies are so diametrically different you might find your energy levels flagging from minute to minute, so if work matters present themselves it wouldn’t be shocking if you find it difficult to rise to the occasion. Try to tend to self-care now, then you can get back to making it rain in a few days under more productive skies. Trust that they are on the way.

There’s more to look forward to later in the week, especially on the 25th as Mercury changes signs, encouraging you to put on your thinking cap and start brainstorming. The cosmic communicator has spent the last couple of weeks spinning through your sleepy 12th House, and while Mercury has been treading this territory, it’s been more than a little difficult to find a way to properly formulate your ideas. Whenever any planet happens to be moving through the 12th House it can be rather difficult to get a hold of their powers. Now, however, you can finally start to think clearly as the messenger planet zooms into Virgo and your 1st House of Action for the next couple of months, a cycle that will be much longer than usual thanks to an upcoming retrograde phase this will begin in August. Until then, however, you’ll be a lightning rod for all the gold nuggets of information circulating out in the Universe; likewise, if you’ve been chipping away at a project behind the scenes your big debut could be right on the horizon.


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