Your Weekly Tarotscope for February 26th – March 3rd, 2024

pair of hands holding up blue tarot cards

Lean in close… the cards have something interesting to say!

For once, you don’t have to keep track of a whole slew of new astrological events just to feel prepared for the week ahead. In terms of the stars and planets, this week is pretty tame.

That means we get to hone in on one specific area of expertise — more specifically, hearing what the Tarot has to say.

This age-old divinatory craft has some insight and guidance for you about this next week. Let’s see what it has in store for your zodiac sign!

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for February 26 – March 3, 2024


Queen of Pentacles

Aries, it’s your time to shine.

You’ve had a rough go the past couple of weeks, but the Queen of Pentacles offers you a chance at control and organization (for the first time in a while).

This is a great week for solidifying practical plans, setting goals, ticking items off your to-do list, and maybe even some self-care through loosening the pursestrings a little.

It’s a great week for finances and money overall, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of it.


Judgement (Reversed)

Taurus is not seeing clearly, but we all have our “off” moments.

Judgement reversed more specifically complicates your understanding of how you connect with the world around you. It’s difficult to see the bigger picture — where is your place in the world? How do your skills resonate with others?

This is not the week for major decisions, especially anything involving hard commitments (like signing off on contracts and paperwork).

You’ll need to let this uncomfortable brain fog pass with time, as all strange seasons of weather tend to do.


The World

Gemini is feeling particularly light and lucky this week.

The World is a wonderful sight to see for anyone. For Geminis, you may feel connected to the world around you more clearly and authentically — the Universe, your surrounding communities, and the people who are with you on this journey.

It’s a good week to make headway on long-term goals and ideas and tell people how you feel about them (from the heart).

Dive deeper: You Pulled the World Card — Now What?


6 of Cups (Reversed)

Cancer— feeling nostalgic?

The 6 of Cups is, after all, the “nostalgia card.” You may find yourself reminiscing more than usual, caught up in memories of the past and feelings from long ago.

However, the reversal of this card warns against getting stuck back there. Although you are known for your capable handling of matters of the heart, you can also be more sentimental than most.

Feel what you need to feel, but don’t forget to march forward into the future as well.


Page of Cups (Reversed)

While Leo is known for their vibrant, creative spirit, this week isn’t one where you’re able to shine as brightly.

The Page of Cups reversed indicates that your heart may be a bit unsettled right now. For some Leos, especially our artists and creatives, you may also be experiencing creative burnout.

Give yourself some “me time” this week to heal any leftover wounds that may be causing unexpected emotional turmoil and also to allow your creative tank to refill.


The Chariot

Virgo, you’re charging forward (boldly, bravely, and successfully) into the future right now.

The Chariot is a positive spotlight on any plans you’ve already put into motion, promising success for anything you’ve invested proper time and energy into.

With this card, you really get what you give. And you, of course, are known to put your all into what you commit to, Virgo.

Especially for work, career, and personal goals (travel plans, hobbies, etc.), this is a highly fortuitous card to receive for the week ahead.


King of Cups

Libra has a wonderful week ahead, but specifically in a few areas.

The King of Cups emphasizes your emotional intelligence and command over your intuition. This is a great week for making advancements in your relationships with others and having important conversations.

However, you could just as equally choose to invest that energy back into yourself, too. Just the same, this is a fantastic week for spiritual development and any intuitive pursuits.

Either way, just be intentional about what you’d like to make progress within and invest yourself wholeheartedly in that process.


9 of Pentacles

Scorpio is catching a break this week, now able to bask in the fruits of their labor.

With the 9 of Pentacles on the table for you, it’s time for self-care and a little indulging. Loosen the pursestrings and splurge a little on that thing you’ve had your eye on, or take a day off to enjoy some “me time” away from work. 

It’s not about laziness or irresponsibility; it’s about recognizing the importance of balance (and rewarding yourself for your hard work).

How will you reward yourself this week?



Sagittarius, this week, your successes are coming from within.

Strength assures you that you already have everything you need and that many of your best assets have nothing to do with superficial goals or appearances.

On the contrary, it’s time to tune into some of your most internal, deeply-held qualities — inner fortitude, perseverance, compassion, and patience.

Even when the going gets tough, this week is not about defaulting to detailed plans or outside opinions. It’s about you and what you feel is right in the moment.


The Tower

Capricorn is known for their preparedness and reliability in life, even when things get hard.

Of course, we can’t always prepare for every single possibility. And this week, The Tower demands that you stay on your toes, not clinging to any specific action plan.

Right now, present ideas and plans may be wiped away through unexpected hurdles and an unfortunate series of events. However, that doesn’t mean the outcome has to be gloom and doom.

Stay focused, remain flexible, and don’t lose hope, Capricorn. With your problem-solving capabilities, you’re certain to find the light even in the darkness.


The Hermit (Reversed)

Aquarius is not as certain about their own inner compass as they usually are.

When the world doubts Aquarius, you tend to show them all up in the most unconventional, surprising ways. This is thanks to your vibrant eccentricity and innovative talents, always keeping everyone on their toes.

However, The Hermit reversed suggests that you’re feeling a bit of a funk this week. You may be second-guessing your own ideas and expertise lately, and it’s difficult to be alone with your thoughts.

Remember, Aquarius: it’s not always about getting the process or answers right all the time, especially in advance. Sometimes, it’s just about trusting yourself to get it right eventually.


2 of Swords

Pisces has their guard up this week, and it’s hard to blame you.

The 2 of Swords can make you feel like it’s you against the world, like every decision you make at this time needs to be vetted through ten different methods and “what if” scenarios.

As a result, you may feel like it’s impossible to settle on a decision, attitude, or frame of mind that works for you right now.

While this is understandably difficult, you must remember that it’s not always on you to understand everything all the time, Pisces. Put the swords down every now and then — it might be time to feel, not fight.

Make the Most of Your Tarotscope

This may be one of the most opportune weeks yet to connect fully with your Tarotscope.

Usually, we might have some other recommendations that will equip you properly for the week ahead — astrological guides, extra divination help, and more. But this time, we’re able to just zone in on what the Tarot has to say.

Here are a few of our favorite ways to connect fully with your Tarotscope and really hear its messages in full force:

  • Journal down some reflections and thoughts about the card you received
  • Connect with your card through intentional Tarot meditation
  • Re-read your Tarotscope throughout the week to see how insights may resonate differently over time

Related article: The Best Tarot Spreads to Try

About The Author

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.
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