Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for January 22nd – 28th, 2024

pair of hands holding up three blue tarot cards

Before you could even blink, we’re already more than midway through the first month of 2024 — and more changes are still coming, so don’t hold your breath just yet.

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, will move into grounded and secure Capricorn on the 23rd. Approaching your relationships (with others and with yourself) with care, seriousness, and practicality is key.

Additionally, Uranus in Taurus will end its retrograde on the 27th, propelling us into a time of change and progress after previous stagnation.

What does this all mean for you? We’ve checked in with the Tarot to find out!

Your Weekly Tarotscope for January 22 – 28, 2024


The Sun

Aries, this week is looking awfully bright!

And this time, the light is shining from within. The Sun shows you embracing some of your brightest, most authentic qualities, feeling in tune with your true self, and being unafraid to show it.

It may suddenly seem like everything is running more smoothly than usual, not because of something outside your control, but because confidence often makes things feel that good.

Enjoy, Aries, and don’t forget to share the love with others too.


3 of Pentacles

Taurus, this week is best spent with others.

The 3 of Pentacles hints that success may be found in groups; in other words, collaboration, cooperation, and teamwork will all make the dream work.

This is especially true for work, career, finances, and improving your skills (as well as learning new ones). Keep an ear open for listening when necessary, but also be willing to play the role of teacher when you can. 

This week, it’s not about maintaining one strict role but splitting up the responsibility (so that everyone can benefit!).


The Tower

Heads up, Gemini. You’re experiencing a classic “Tower moment.”

The Tower is not the most exciting card to see, as it does indicate some chaos and serious obstacles, but remember: with this card, these things happen for a good reason.

This week, your “Tower moment” may feel like a single hiccup that forces you to rethink, or it could be a whole week of confusion and discomfort. 

Either way, as The Tower cleanses and purges out the old, you’re challenged this week to think outside of the box and review what you really need in your life (and what might need to be released).


10 of Pentacles

Cancer, this is a strong, stable, and nourishing week for you!

The 10 of Pentacles is a card of long-term abundance, a positive omen for the legacies you plan to leave behind (in your social communities, work, and on Earth in general).

This week, it’s ideal to tune into the strongholds of stability and support you already have built for ample rest and regeneration. Still, it’s also a good week for work and putting some effort & elbow grease out into the Universe.

In other words, Cancer… work hard, play hard!


5 of Pentacles

We can’t always have it all, Leo.

For some Leos, the 5 of Pentacles is a heads up that you’re faced with some losses, disappointments, and setbacks this week in the realm of work, finance, and your career.

For others, you may be already processing some dissatisfaction in this area, dwelling on things you don’t have and the roads not taken.

This week, you’re encouraged to feel what you need to feel and process the losses as necessary… but remember to pick yourself up and continue as you usually do, brave lion.


9 of Swords

Virgo is no stranger to anxiety, but it’s hitting you particularly hard this week.

Right now, the 9 of Swords shines a giant spotlight on your biggest nightmares, anxieties, and worries.

This card is the looming “what if?” questions, the concern over whether or not you’re doing something right or wrong, and the constant second-guessing… basically, it’s no fun at all.

We all have our “off” moments, but this week requires extra self-love, support from loved ones, and honest vulnerability. Be kind to yourself this week, Virgo.


The High Priestess

Libra, what insights do you expect to see on the table this week?

The High Priestess indicates that you may already have many of the answers you need, after all. This card is a positive signal for your intuitive instincts, your spirituality, and your ability to make decisions and important discernments.

You can utilize the power of The High Priestess in whatever way makes the most sense for you — powerful meditation sessions, divination practice, or just in your day-to-day life.

How will you make the most of it, Libra?


9 of Cups

Scorpio, what do you really want?

The 9 of Cups is also known as “the wish card,” as it magnifies all of your wildest dreams and the most genuine parts of your imagination.

This week is about connecting with what you truly desire and getting on track to truly believe it’s all possible.

This is a positive omen for beautiful, unexpected things unfolding this week, but it all has to start with your own belief and trust in the Universe (and in yourself).


The Hermit

Sagittarius has a lot of wisdom to work with, but this week isn’t always going to be about using it.

The Hermit is a powerful affirmation of your expertise and awareness of your life and the world around you. Sagittarians are known, after all, for their philosophical knowledge.

This week, it’s time to validate and tune into this part of you. However, you may find that it’s more productive to be reflective for the sake of the practice of reflection and not so much for setting any major decisions into motion just yet.


Ace of Wands

Capricorn is cooking up a storm this week!

The Ace of Wands hints that new opportunities, fresh ideas, and clean starts are on the horizon for you, wise goat.

This may come in the form of an epiphany, a project idea, or someone else presenting plans of action that you can use, too. For Capricorns looking to travel, this card is a great omen for that as well (or even just setting up the plans for travel).

Seize the moment, Capricorn — it may come and go quickly!


Queen of Swords

Aquarius, it’s time to embrace your intellectual side.

The Queen of Swords affirms your intellect, wit, communication skills, and leadership capabilities. This week, some Aquarius may also find themselves more comfortable playing lone wolf, as the Queen of Swords is occasionally known for a more independent style of living.

This week is great for trusting your mind, making clear-cut decisions, and calling the shots.

Trust yourself, Aquarius. The world is your oyster!


9 of Wands

Pisces is on the defense this week.

The 9 of Wands emphasizes a need for keen observation and pulling back before making big moves. Don’t mistake this as a time for rest or “doing nothing” — this card takes up more energy than you realize.

This “watching and waiting” phase is important as you gather intel before making your next steps.

However, don’t underestimate how much rest and regeneration you’ll need to balance out these efforts.

Your Essential Weekly Resources

How will you use your Tarotscope to your advantage?

There are a variety of ways you could utilize the wisdom of the cards, whether as bits of insight to meditate upon, advice for moving forward and organizing a game plan, or just as a fun heads-up before you let the week unfold naturally.

Now that you have the cards on your side, you can freely look back at the bigger picture at hand, well-informed about what’s happening on an individual scale.

Here are some resources we love that can help you navigate the vibe of this week:

Essential Read for This Week: Your Ultimate Guide to ALL 2024 Retrogrades

About The Author

Lexi Hikari

An honest Aries with a grounded Virgo Moon and Rising, Lexi Hikari picked up her first astrology book at age 12, and has loved the language of the stars ever since. She began her Tarot journey as a teenager when she was gifted her first deck by her mother and immediately fell in love with and connected quickly to the practice of card reading.Lexi founded Lightwands Tarot in 2016, and has delivered hundreds of Tarot readings, collected over a dozen decks, and crafted an abundance of Tarot card spreads since then. When she isn’t running her one-woman Tarot gig, she enjoys writing, reading, drinking too many cups of coffee, and exploring other forms of divination.You can also connect with Lexi on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.
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