Your Weekly Numerology Forecast for August 22 – 28, 2022

What an exciting week ahead we have! It’s the last week of summer (for those in the northern hemisphere!) before we head into autumn. For many of us, this means a change in circumstances, a change in weather, and the chance to start afresh.

Before we move on to the numerological wonders of this week, let’s look at the big events that are going on in the stars:

  1. The Sun moves into Virgo on the 22nd
  2. Mercury enters Libra on the 25th
  3. New Moon in Virgo on the 27th

So what does this mean?

For many, it’s a time of getting focused and being practical. It’s time to go back to work and back to school. The summer fun and chaos that we experienced with all that dynamic Leo energy is over, and it’s time for us to harness the mighty power of practical and dedicated Virgo.

The New Moon in Virgo is a great time to do a big practical sweep of everything, from your living environment, to cluttered thoughts in your mind. Whatever projects and goals you have, this wonderful energy enables you to discipline and focus on yourself.

Checklists, organizing, and being productive is high on the agenda this week.

Time to Reflect this Week

We are entering the last four months of the year, and it’s time to reflect on the last eight months and see what we have learned.

It’s been a pretty rollercoaster time for many of us, filled with unpredictability and twists and turns in the road. That was to be expected in 2022. In Chinese astrology, it’s the Year of the Tiger, and these years are filled with the unexpected.

So as we move into a week where both the Sun and New Moon enter Virgo, we are able to analyze all that has happened so far and acknowledge how we can move forward into the future in a way that is beneficial for us and those around us.

Mercury in Libra also brings sharp thinking and the ability to communicate your thoughts and plans in a way that is diplomatic and balanced. Mercury is happy in the sign of Libra, and we will find ourselves more articulate and capable of sharing our goals and aspirations with others.

Numerologically speaking, we’ll be looking at Name Numerology to determine how to best harness this energy for the week ahead.

Read this next: Your Name & Your Destiny: The Numerology of Names

Use Name Numerology to Navigate August 22 – 28

Name Numerology or your Name Number is, as the name suggests, the numerology of the name you were given. This number reveals your soul purpose and your primary purpose in life.

As we enter a period of reflection and planning, organizing and implementing our plans, it is a wonderful time to remind ourselves of why we are doing these things and how we may be able to make adjustments to fall in line with our soul purpose.

If you don’t know your Name Number, use this Name Number calculator

Once you have it, read on to find how your Name Number works for you in the coming week.

Name Number 1: The Leader

As a number 1, your soul purpose is to take a position of leadership and guide others. This does not always mean taking an actual leadership role, such as being a manager or boss. Sometimes, it filters through the way you express yourself or the confidence you exude.

This week, you are encouraged to work on your confidence and look at areas it may have been challenged over the last eight months. 

The New Moon in Virgo provides the opportunity to remind yourself that not everything is in your power to change, and it is important to go with the flow. Have confidence in your ability to let go when necessary.

Name Number 2: The Healer

As a number 2, your soul purpose is to use your higher power to create love for the world and for others. This week, your ability to do this may be put to the test as you struggle between finding time for yourself and finding time for others.

The New Moon provides the opportunity to organize yourself so you can manage your time better. Taking time out for this type of organization can help set the tone for the coming weeks. 

But try not to do everything at once. Take it slow and give yourself permission to take time out.

Name Number 3: The Wordsmith

As a number 3, your soul purpose is to use your gift of communication to bring truth and light into the world. You have a gift for writing, speaking, and areas of art. 

Mercury in Libra brings the opportunity to share your thoughts with others and express yourself in a way that appeals to many people.

This week, take time to realign yourself with your deepest spiritual goals and make plans for how you can implement them in the coming weeks.

Read next: What Is the Universe Trying to Tell You This August?

Name Number 4: The Teacher

As a number 4, your soul purpose is to guide others using your experiences and knowledge. 

This is a powerful time of refreshing for you. You may find yourself with keen ideas for how you can share your knowledge, such as writing a blog online or attending a workshop where you can mingle with others who are on the same path.

Take time this week to make a daily planner for how you can organize your time better. You may meet someone who has a profound effect on you in the future.

Name Number 5: The Individual

As a number 5, your soul purpose is to uphold freedom and individuality in the world by expressing your own unique individual self. Think about how your individuality may have been compromised this year. 

This week is all about reminding yourself of what makes you you—not what others expect you to be or what you think they want you to be, but who you truly are.

Quiet time reflecting or sharing your thoughts with a close friend can help you make sense of everything at this point.

Name Number 6: The Nurturer

As a number 6, your soul purpose is to bring greater compassion into the world. You may have felt pretty exhausted from the last few months and have experienced a fair set of challenges this year. 

This week, allow yourself some space to regenerate. Nurture is your purpose, but self-nurture is also a part of this purpose.

Meditation, yoga classes, and letting the magic of crystals take care of you are great ways to rejuvenate in the coming week.

Read this next: The Ultimate Guide to Crystal Healing

Name Number 7: The Truth-Finder

As a number 7, your soul purpose is to seek the truth and bring it into the light. This week, you are encouraged to remind yourself of what truly matters to you and how you can use the upcoming practical and determined energy to set yourself on this path.

Trust that the answers will be revealed to you in time. Not everything can be found immediately. Sometimes you have to be patient and wait for things to reveal themselves to you.

Name Number 8: The Challenger

As a number 8, your soul purpose is to lead others and to use your strength to inspire others to be the best of themselves. You have great inner strength. 

This week, you are asked to remind yourself of where you are directing this strength. Is it being used for the higher good? Or are you keeping it for yourself?

This is a powerful time of reflection for you, so meditation and going inwards to reconnect with yourself is a priority this week.

Name Number 9: The Humanitarian

As a number 9, your soul purpose is to bring greater spiritual and humanitarian enlightenment into the world. If you have been faced with challenges this year, this week brings a period of reflection that can help you get back on track.

An intense conversation may be forthcoming this week which could change everything for you and shift your perspective. Reminding yourself of how crucial you are to this world and the enlightenment you bring is important under this energy.

Be Practical, Be Resourceful

The final third of the year is upon us and brings with it the chance to organize, plan, and ultimately prosper.

When we remind ourselves of our true purpose, we are able to work toward achieving whatever manifestation of this purpose is important in our lives right now.

The smallest things can have the biggest impact. Combining the material with the spiritual is on the agenda this week and recognizing parts of ourselves that need to integrate with our plans is also part of it.

The Universe will show us the way when we are lost. So keep believing in yourself and always remind yourself of the mighty power you possess within.

Related article: Use Numerology to Discover Your Perfect Career

About The Author

Iberia Tor

Iberia Tor is a harmonious Libra Sun, Conflicted Scorpio rising, and a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac.A whirlwind writer with a passion for Tarot cards and Astrology in all forms, she is fascinated by other realms and experiencing both the negative and positive that goes with its inhabitants. Iberia believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Iberia has authored three novels, and currently writes Astrology Answers’ Daily Money and Chinese Zodiac Horoscopes, as well as articles.
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