Your Weekly Astrology Overview April 15-21, 2019

​Are you ready for some magic?

This week is a magical week from the Universe. After the calm and serenity of last week, this week the Universe is switching gears to kick things up a notch for you. We have the Sun changing signs, and a Full Moon arriving at the same time. We also have Venus entering Aries in the same 24-hour period! This is a big week of endings and beginnings. With both Scorpio and Taurus getting some love here, those endings and beginnings are going to be intense.

We have the Full Moon in Water sign Scorpio on April 19, the Sun enters Taurus on April 20, and Venus enters Aries on April 20. Both Scorpio and Taurus are Fixed signs, and this means you are going to see some rigid personalities in play. And you may be one of them!

The good themes of Scorpio and Taurus are also all about loyalty, commitment, and doing it for the long haul, in both love and work. You have the opportunity now to make some really significant Full Moon wishes this month that will give you the transformative and regenerative impact of Scorpio, while planting seeds that will last forever with Taurus in play.

At the same time, we have lover Venus changing up her game too, by entering Aries, the Cardinal sign of the Fire signs. Aries is a leader, a starter, and has a lot of fire in them to create some epic and sparkly change. There are going to be some intense endings and beginnings, and endings cycling back to new beginnings. You can be in charge – for some of them, at least! It’s time for you to lock in some Spring Fever and design the changes in your life that you want to happen. The Full Moon in Scorpio will help you to close some chapters and create some changes, as the Sun enters Taurus and shines a light on those seeds to help them grow and last.

And Venus? Well, she’s going to be in charge of helping you to attract some wonderful and sparkly opportunities. Pay attention to the signs the Universe has for you! When you need a little help, stay tuned to those Daily Horoscopes and Weekly Horoscopes that will be guiding you through every magical second.

Have a sunny week, beloveds!

Planetary Locations During April 15 – April 21, 2019:

• Sun: Aries (Until April 20); Taurus (April 20 to May 21)

• Mercury: Pisces (Until April 17, 2019)

• Venus: Pisces (From March 26 to April 20); Aries (From April 20 to May 15)

• Mars: Gemini (Until May 16)

• Jupiter: Sagittarius (Until December 2, 2019)

• Saturn: Capricorn (Until March 22, 2020)

• Uranus: Taurus (March 6, 2019, to August 19, 2021)

• Neptune: Pisces (Until January 2026)

• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)

Daily Snapshots for April 15 – April 21, 2019:

Monday, April 15

Sun: Aries – Take the lead in bringing fire and ambition to life.

Moon: Virgo – Flawless attention to detail can be productive and provocative.


  • Venus (Pisces) sextile Pluto (Capricorn): Here we have the love planet connecting with the planet of death and transformation. Expect significant changes or power plays in love or money today, and expect the changes to be in your favor. You should also expect them to be intense with Pluto in play. Pluto is all about you tearing down walls to rebuild from anew. You will see Fated events arrive today that will be inspiring you to consider a new perspective, change your outlook, or transform a situation in a clear and significant way. Today Venus is helping you to attract something powerful in your life that will be excitingly delicious, and something maybe you’ve never experienced before. Go for it. The change is desperately needed now. Your love transformation awaits.

Tuesday, April 16

Sun: Aries

Moon: Virgo

Wednesday, April 17

Sun: Aries

Moon: Libra —When you serve as the gracious diplomat in all situations, you win.

Thursday, April 18

Sun: Aries

Moon: Libra

Friday, April 19

Sun: Aries

Moon: Full Moon in Scorpio – Close chapters in a way that feels like you are undergoing the total rebirth that you deserve.

Saturday, April 20

Sun: Taurus – Use your 5 senses to activate sensuality and live, laugh, love.

Moon: Scorpio

Sunday, April 21

Sun: Taurus

Moon: Sagittarius – See the Big Picture in all things today.

What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope – here on Astrology Answers!

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