Your Weekly Astrology Overview: December 16-22, 2019

Greetings, Earthlings!

It is the most wonderful time of the year, my friends, and we are in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Both last week and this week we inch closer to that mark, just a few days away from the holidays and a brand new year.

There aren’t many huge changes on the docket this week, but we do have Venus making a change as the week wraps up. This week we have Jupiter and Venus currently in Capricorn. Jupiter is going to be in this Cardinal sign of the Earth signs Capricorn for a full year. Venus is wrapping up her journey there this week and will enter Aquarius by Friday on December 21.

Until then, soak up the last of this lovely Venus energy in this Cardinal sign as the holidays inch closer. Take a new chance at love (or a new chance at old love), while lover Venus is still in this beautiful Cardinal sign. Our free 3 Card Tarot Reading can help!

Check This Out: Commit in Love – Venus in Capricorn

By Friday, we have Venus entering the Fixed sign of the Air signs, Aquarius, and this is going to put an ingenious spin on your love matters. This is also a very unconventional spin.

As Christmas draws closer, you are encouraged to think outside the box in both love and money situations.

It’s wonderful air to breathe right before the holidays arrive, and throughout the holiday season.

Have a wonderful week wrapping up all you need with a big and beautiful bow.

Joy to the world, friends!

Planetary Locations During December 16–22, 2019:

• Sun: Sagittarius (November 22 – December 22, 2019)

• Mercury: Sagittarius (December 10, 2019 – December 29)

• Venus: Capricorn (November 26, 2019 – December 20, 2019); Aquarius (December 21, 2019 – January 13, 2020)

• Mars: Scorpio (November 19, 2019 – January 3, 2020)

• Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020)

• Saturn: Capricorn (September 17, 2019 – March 22, 2020)

• Uranus: Retrograde in Taurus (August 19, 2019 – January 10, 2020)

• Neptune: Pisces (Until January 2026)

• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)

Daily Snapshots for December to December 16–22, 2019:

Monday, December 16

Sun: Sagittarius – When you fly by the seat of adventure, your soul sings.

Moon: Virgo – Flawless attention to detail can be productive and provocative.

Tuesday, December 17

Sun: Sagittarius

Moon: Virgo

Wednesday, December 18

Sun: Sagittarius

Moon: Libra – When you serve as the gracious diplomat in all situations, you win.

Thursday, December 19

Sun: Sagittarius

Moon: Libra

Friday, December 20

Sun: Sagittarius

Moon: Scorpio – Time for your rebirth and personal transformation!

Saturday, December 21

Sun: Sagittarius

Moon: Scorpio


• Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus – Here we have the love planet Venus in Aquarius squaring off with Uranus in Taurus just a few days before Christmas. This is a terse angle that will have you at odds with some people, most notably relationships and romantic experiences. Lover Venus wants to help you to attract wonderful things from a different dimension with freedom lover Uranus seeking to establish some outbursts of freedom in your life.

This could feel intense, but you have everything you need to navigate this intense moment. This is expect the unexpected time. Something is coming out of the blue today and it could feel intense. But roll with it and you embrace it as the opportunity that it really is. Bookmark your Daily Horoscopes to find out why.

Try This: 7 Crystals to Help Your Root Chakra

Sunday, December 22

Sun: Sagittarius

Moon: Sagittarius – See the Big Picture in all things today.

What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope – here on Astrology Answers!

About The Author

Christine Beswick

As a Scorpio, Christine Beswick is a natural empath, using her watery emotional side to bring you the astrology answers you need to find abundance. Christine’s favorite tools of choice are the stars, as it was her grandmother who first told her many moons ago that’s where all the answers were. Christine’s Scorpio side favors writing as her medium of choice to express those answers. When she’s not pondering life’s big questions, it is Christine’s dream to one day be the crazy cat lady on her street.
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