Aries Sex Horoscope: Yesterday
Oct 12, 2024 - This could be a very outgoing and romantic day for you, so feel free to lean into the exciting vibrations and get out and paint the town red–within reason, that is. The Moon is traveling through your outgoing 11th House of social groups and global communications, and while she’s there she’ll be forming a number of strong alignments throughout the sky that will be creating sparks wherever they land.
The Sun in your 7th House of romantic relationships will be beaming its heart out, so if someone special calls you up be sure to answer the phone–especially since a handful of personality planets will be on call to help you–so be sure to get out and about and mingle with a few friends in tow. Either way, you won’t want to waste this bountiful energy, because days like this only come around so often.
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