Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Sep 09, 2024 - Sep 15, 2024

You’re adjusting the focus this week, Leo. Messenger Mercury has spent the last few weeks spinning through your sign and your 1st House of Action; this is normally a great time for coming up with new concepts and crystalizing projects, but thanks to a complicated retrograde phase, it might have been a little more than difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. This Monday, however, there is a huge shift in the energy overhead as Mercury waves goodbye to your sign and dives into Virgo and your grounded 2nd House of Earned Income for the next couple of weeks. During this exciting transit, business opportunities will present themselves with more frequency than usual, so if you’ve been on the lookout to increase your net worth this would be the time to roll up your sleeves and get to work!

That being said, Mercury will be retracing certain steps it took back in early August when the messenger planet began its recent retrograde cycle, so don’t be shocked if it feels like you’re dealing with a few old matters before you can put them to bed once and for all.

The 11th features a balancing Half Moon in Sagittarius and your 5th House of Romance and Passion, reminding you not to leave all the fun on the backburner while you try to make a name for yourself in the real world. You need to find time to cut loose and enjoy yourself, especially in these difficult and complicated times we’re living in. Even if you can’t easily go out and have fun, do something to give yourself a bit of pleasure, guilty or otherwise; there’s nothing wrong with that.

Come the 12th, the Sun in your 2nd House of Income will make a potent square to Jupiter in your 11th House of Friendships and Networking. People may want you to come and play, when you’re supposed to be rolling up your sleeves and putting your nose to the grindstone. You may also be invited to join a group activity, but realize that it’s going to cost more than you may like. That being said, this alignment isn’t easy to resist, so you may be tempted to adjust your budget to make room for things; try to avoid doing anything you’ll regret, but that’s a matter of personal feeling.

Finally, on the 15th, Venus in Libra and your 3rd House of Local Community will make a lucky trine to Jupiter, encouraging you to circulate and connect with other people more than ever before, so by all means get out and see what everyone is up to. You never know what opportunities could come your way if you keep your head stuck in the sand!


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