Leo Career Horoscope

Feb 14, 2025 - What's your relationship to your finances? Are you making as much money as you would like to be? Ask yourself these questions today as the Moon is in Virgo and in your 2nd house of finances.
Learn how to be balanced with your money. If you find that you spend too much, more than you can afford to, try being less frivolous.
And if you're the kind of person who's constantly freaking out about finances, not allowing yourself to enjoy your resources, practice being less stingy with yourself.
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Daily Tarot Reading
The symbolism in the 3 of Swords is very raw and real. When life brings heartbreak, the Tarot offers the 3 of Swords. This can be heartbreak over any situation, romantic, or just a life experience that has caused some very real pain. Here is a heart that has been…
Let These Tarot Readings Help Guide You Through Your Day
Daily Crystal & Gemstone Reading

Opal is a wonderful stone for being in touch with your emotions and understanding your feelings at a deeper level. This stone is very in tune with our emotions and stimulates our creative energy. If you are feeling angry or struggling with your sense of worth, Opal helps to release…
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