Leo Sex Horoscope

Leo Zodiac Sign

Apr 24, 2024 - Take things one step at a time today, Leo, and see how they unfold in front of you because chances are they could go from zero to sixty in a very short span of time. The intuitive Moon is moving through Scorpio and your foundational 4th House of home and feelings, so you’re in a rather restful mood.

That energy gets a huge shock, however, when la Luna forms a harmonious and energizing trine to karmic Saturn in Pisces and your 8th House of sex and intimacy.

This is not a day for playing around, so don’t turn up the heat if you don’t want to get burned; people will be playing for keeps right now so know that before you hop into bed with just any old person (hey, no judgment, you do you) and watch yourself for any missteps.

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