Leo Sex Horoscope

Leo Zodiac Sign

Feb 18, 2025 - Things are about to get very intense, Leo. The Sun has spent the last month moving through Aquarius and your 7th House of Relationships, which is great for cementing new partnerships and improving old ones, and even perhaps weeding out a few which no longer served their purpose or brought joy into your life.

Today the Sun moves from this sector and slinks into Pisces and your sensual and erotic 8th House, turning your inner temperature up more than just a few degrees. For the next month, you have cosmic clearance to dive into your own deepest desires and explore the urges that get your fire burning.

If you have a bedroom buddy to do this with you so much the better, but if you’re single you can be sure someone will emerge from the woodwork who wants to explore your body as much as you do.

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