Leo Sex Horoscope: Yesterday

Leo Zodiac Sign

Oct 21, 2024 - This could be a wonderfully exciting day, and it looks like people will be coming out in droves to clamor for your attention, so don’t behave like a wallflower right now because that is the last thing the Universe wants you to do.

The Sun recently entered your buzzy 3rd House of local communities and friendships, so there are going to start being a lot more opportunities close to home than you’d ever expect, be they business opportunities or romantic ones.

This energetic vibration is amplified thanks to a special alignment between el Sol and la Luna, currently moving through your 11th House of social groups and global communications. Between these two heavenly bodies you could meet someone today with long-term potential for something truly special, but if you’re already part of a pair then take some time to spend with you-know-who.

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