Leo Sex Horoscope: Tomorrow
Sep 14, 2024 - The stars are bringing us all some rather potent energy that is going to have a strong impact on the day, Leo, and while some signs might find this happens to stimulate their libido, from the look of things you’re going to be too busy at the office for any fireworks in the bedroom.
The intuitive Moon is spending the day in hardworking Capricorn and your efficient 6th House of work and routine, so you’re rather focused on the boardroom than the bedroom right now. Throughout the day she’ll form a strong conjunction to power-player Pluto in this same sector of your chart, giving you the energy to roll up your sleeves and make magic happen–just not in a sexual way.
You may have to deal with a number of potholes, but if you can navigate them properly then there’s a clear road to more exciting things down the line.
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