Leo Money Horoscope

Leo Zodiac Sign

Jan 19, 2025 - The Moon is in Libra and your 3rd house of communication and mental pursuits today. Does the work you do for money nourish you on a mental level? Do you feel like it mentally challenges you in the ways you desire? These are some relevant questions to ask yourself today. If the answer is no to either of these questions, how can you work towards pursuing work that provides you with both financial security and also mental stimulation? It is so much more fulfilling and interesting when you don’t perceive the work you do for money as something boring. That also makes it much more likely for you to succeed in it.

The Moon is also trining Jupiter in your 11th house of community. Do you feel financially supported by the communities that you are a part of? If not, how can you build, alongside your comrades and friends, systems of care and mutual aid where you feel supported and cared for by each other?

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