Leo Daily Horoscope: Tomorrow
Sep 18, 2024 - Let your mind wander, because that is the surest way to come up with some truly brilliant ideas that could turn out to be worth their weight in gold. The intuitive Moon is spending the day in your entrepreneurial 9th House of adventure and high ideals, so this is a perfect time to think big.
Throughout the day la Luna will form a powerful angle across the sky to energetic Mars in your 12th House of the subconscious, kicking your mind into high gear. The one caveat?
Hold off on revealing any major ideas just yet; the angle with Mars means you could be missing part of the picture, so if there’s something you’re not entirely sure about try and get clarity on it before you move forward with any major plans or unveilings. Chances are you’ll be more than glad you waited when people finally get on board with your vision.
Sep 18, 2024 - Does your romantic partnership provide your life with meaningfulness? Does it connect you spiritually to something bigger than you, something that you believe in? These are good questions to reflect on today as the Moon is in Aries and in your 9th house. It's…
Sep 18, 2024 - Do you feel spiritually connected to your job? This is a relevant theme to ponder over today as the Moon is in Aries and in your 9th house. What are the things you can do that permit you to have a larger experience doing…
Sep 18, 2024 - Leo, your financial creativity and charisma shine during this transit. Explore opportunities to showcase your talents for financial gain. Your leadership qualities can lead to lucrative collaborations and projects. Express your financial aspirations boldly and pursue ventures that align with your passions.
Sep 18, 2024 - Under this lunar energy, you are encouraged to pay close attention to what your body is telling you, Leo. You might be struggling to listen to your inner wisdom if your thoughts are all over the place. Taking time to meditate is a wonderful…
Sep 18, 2024 - Where do daydreams take you? And, for that matter, what do they get you? Is all that time you spend with your head in the clouds worth it or do you need to come back down to earth? If you’re fine operating on your…
Daily Horoscope Video
Daily Tarot Reading
There is a sense of weariness or defensiveness when the 9 of Wands appears. We see a lone figure here with 8 wands stood up and planted in the ground in front of him. He holds one wand in a guarded position and looks out of the corner of his…
Let These Tarot Readings Help Guide You Through Your Day
Daily Crystal & Gemstone Reading
Red Goldstone is an uplifting crystal that can be used to find your positivity, become more confident, seek higher levels of calm, and can encourage us to be more ambitious and driven. The little flecks of gold throughout the crystal are symbolic of the “light” you may find when using…