Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Pisces Zodiac Sign

For the week of: Apr 29, 2024 - May 05, 2024

This is a week you won’t easily forget, Pisces, although certain parts of it could easily feel more like a fantasy than a reality. Things will pick up speed as the days progress, so buckle in and get ready. That being said, before the planets start pinging off one another like a pinball, the first important movement occurs on the 29th, when romantic Venus moves on from Aries and your 2nd House of Earned Income and Material Wealth and slips into Taurus and your social 3rd House of Community and Communications, where she’ll be operating for the next four weeks. During this heart-warming transit you can express yourself without reserve, and in turn people will be more willing to open up after the mercurial last few months. You can finally get on the same page as someone, so don’t be scared to start with a blank one.

It would appear that you’ve been careening at top speed ever since Mars entered your sign last month, and what a ride it has been as you were filled with energy to go after whatever your heart might desire. That being said, you won’t have a ton of time to focus on the more frivolous aspects of life as the Universe wants you to now direct your attention towards more important matters with more concrete and long-term potential. After rotating through your 1st House of Self-Expression, on the 30th you get to shift gears as Mars moves into Aries and your grounded 2nd House of Income until mid-June.. This time only comes around once every two years, so there is an open highway ahead of you to make some major progress with regards to your place in the world. If you’ve been hoping to make a name for yourself or get your work recognized by someone high up, this is your chance. Don’t waste it!

On the 2nd, Pluto, the transformer of the zodiac, will hit the snooze button for the next five months as it turns retrograde, turning its deep power inward. Pluto will begin by backstroking through Aquarius and your subconscious 12th House, but then will slip into Capricorn and your 11th House of Global Networks for the last time in our lifetimes, so it’s time to examine the way you get your ideas across to people. Do you use your ideas to help others or only help yourself? Pluto can expose some very uncomfortable truths, not unlike Saturn, but they can be even more intense than anything that icy planet can serve up. Where are the issues of inequality in your life, and do you use them to your advantage or use yourself as a tool to right those inequalities? Look inside yourself and figure it out.

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