Feeling the heat of Aries season? We’ve just headed into the season of the ram and celebrated the astrological new year, and now is the time to use that energy to your advantage!
This week we’re kicking off with the Fiery ram leading the way, perhaps feeling more empowered and ready to take on some of our goals and innovate more boldly.
And you’re loving the Aries energy, we have more good news: Mercury, the planet of communication and thought, will also move into Aries at the end of the week on the 27th. This is one strong, passionate, and creative energy taking over the cosmos!
So, where does that leave you? We’re checking in with the Tarot to see how these changing skies may impact your zodiac sign in particular. That’s right: your weekly Tarotscope is here!
Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope: March 21 – 27, 2022
The Magician (Reversed)
Last week, you received The Magician upright, only to see it upside-down this week!
What does that mean? Well, for some of you, the Fiery Aries spirit possibly went a little too far. Maybe you’re now feeling the effects of burnout and need to take a breather.
For some others, The Magician reversed may be a welcome sight — a reminder that most of your greatest ideas and experiences come from the depths of your soul and inner world, rather than on the outside. Sometimes it really is the thought that counts!
Whatever the case is for you, The Magician is nevertheless prompting a bit of a detour for our bold rams.
Death (Reversed)
You were focusing on “me time” last week, Taurus. But now it’s time for the big leagues!
With Death reversed, you may now be dealing with some seriously big questions and contemplations surrounding your identity and where you want to go next. We all know the steady bull takes their time when it comes to major life changes, so we get how big of a deal this is for you!
It may feel like a lot of the old routines and ideas you had in the past are now fading away. Now it’s time to figure out what to put in their place.
Take some deep breaths and get ready to tread forward Taurus. You got this!
Read next: Your Lucky Crystal for 2022, Based on Your Life Path Number
5 of Swords
This week is a little chaotic for Gemini — although who says Gemini can’t appreciate a little chaos too, right?
The 5 of Swords stirs the pot and indicates that some Geminis may be dealing with unsavory characters and difficult social situations. Some people may not be playing fair, whether it’s in work, love, or something else.
The important thing is to not stoop to their level. Even if it feels like nothing is going your way and everyone is playing with an unfair hand, you won’t regret sticking true to your values and seeing things through properly, Gemini.
The Lovers
It’s a sweet week for our Cancerian friends.
Lighthearted, joyful, and full of a sweet kind of connection, The Lovers brings a youthful, spiritual energy to your plate for the week. You may feel more receptive to spending time with others this week or even literally setting up an important date.
It may feel like you have more options than usual – and in a good way. Do enjoy yourself, but don’t get too caught up in the romance and dreaminess of it all too much either.
With the right balance of practicality and fun-loving enthusiasm, this week can be a great one!
The World (Reversed)
Pause, Leo — something may feel a bit out of place.
In other words, you may just be feeling like something is missing this week, like your plans aren’t quite falling into place as you expected or your goals aren’t panning out to their final stop as planned.
The World reversed is uncomfortable, but it prompts you to find fulfillment within yourself and be honest about what’s needed to tie up those loose ends.
Maybe you won’t have the most exciting, opportunity-filled week, but with the right attitude, it has the potential to be a revealing one!
9 of Cups
If there’s anyone in the zodiac who deserves a bit of a break, it’s Virgo, of course.
This week, you’re getting it with the 9 of Cups! This is a bright green “go” signal to enjoy yourself, to splurge a little, and to indulge in the little delights in life. You’ve worked hard and now is a time to enjoy the riches.
This may not exactly be a grand celebration or the end of the road when it comes to some of your bigger goals and aspirations, but it’s still a pit stop for joy and celebration regardless.
Have fun, let loose, and find time to let your little Virgo heart roam freely this week!

Queen of Cups (Reversed)
Libras had a bit of a foggy week last week, not fully sure of what to do or where to go next.
Now, with the Queen of Cups reversed, you’ll use that period of your confusion to your advantage and start reflecting for real. This figure is all about emotional stability and intelligence, and wielding it for a good cause.
However, reversed, you may be needing to use its power for yourself right now, focusing on the internal rather than the external. This means serious self-reflection and evaluating what your next steps should be before taking any major plunges.
You are the balanced scales, after all, Libra. It’s time to tip them back to where they need to be.
Read next: Say Goodbye to Winter & Hello to Spring with This Equinox Tarot Spread
10 of Pentacles
Your eye has truly been on the prize, Scorpio.
Now, this week, it’s time to see the fruits of your labor pay off. The 10 of Pentacles is even a bit beyond just enjoyment and tangible rewards. This speaks to a kind of long-term success, perhaps even passing on a legacy or piece of work that’s beyond benefitting just you.
Your week becomes about focusing on this and tapping into wider communities, collectives, and ideas to see how your current goals align with something bigger than you.
So this week has the potential to be pretty exciting, Scorpio! Get ready to think big.
The Tower (Reversed)
Last week, Sagittarius went through the process of removing the old to make way for the new.
This week, you may be experiencing some of the “side effects” of doing so. This isn’t a bad thing! Saying “goodbye” to that which does not serve you is always a good thing.
However, with The Tower reversed, you may experience some “growing pains.” The Tower stirs things up and tears old structures down. Reversed, the change may feel more internal, now reckoning with the emotional effects of the cleanse.
This is ultimately for the best, Sagittarius. It’s just another adventure for the wild archer to take on!
6 of Wands
Your rewards are here, Capricorn! Time to take it all in.
The 6 of Wands is a grand parade of celebration and joy. You may not exactly be getting the tangible rewards (like money and the joy of a completed project) you’re looking for this week, Capricorn, but you have the opportunity to snag something else.
That is — pats on the back, peer recognition, and the joy of connecting with others. Of course, you’ll have to branch out to receive this reward, but this week it’s there waiting for you if you so choose!
2 of Cups
This week is all about connecting with others, Aquarius.
And not in your worldly, humanitarian way, potentially much to your dismay. The 2 of Cups is more about that interpersonal one-on-one connection, prioritizing those closest to you.
This is a good week for romance, reaching out to friends, having deep conversations, and fortifying connections. While it may not exactly always be in the intellectual, big-picture-minded Aquarian interest to pursue such heart-to-hearts, this week is certainly a good one to give it a try!
6 of Cups
There’s an air of nostalgia and dreaminess to this week for Pisces — although, for our fishy friends, isn’t there always?
The 6 of Cups distinctly reeks of this nostalgia and longing for the past. Old memories may resurface suddenly, and you may find yourself in fits of daydreaming (yes, even more than usual).
This can be a good time to reflect on the past and get some fresh, new insight about otherwise old events. Perhaps a nugget of wisdom from there will even help with your present situation!
As long as you don’t get stuck back there, a little nostalgia washing over your week can be a good thing (with moderation).

Embracing This Week’s Fiery Fun
Your Tarotscope, just like any horoscope, is not the end-all-be-all of your week.
You can use the wisdom of the Tarot however you’d like; tuck it away in your back pocket for later, or make a game plan in advance to heed its advice with reverence. If you’ve ever had a personal Tarot reading yourself, you know how personal the Tarot experience can really be!
Ultimately, your Tarotscope is here to help you harness the Fiery Aries energy that seems to be adorning our week with such ferocity.
Although it can feel like a serious time to pursue your goals with intensity, keep in mind that the ram is capable of lighthearted humor and fun too — embrace both sides of the coin!
Get the whole picture: Your March 2022 Tarotscopes