Your Weekly Astrology Overview: July 22-28, 2019

Hello, friends!

Happy post-eclipse cycle! If you’ve made it this far in July relatively unscathed emotionally, give yourself a big gold star and a pat on the back. And if you are still dealing with some post-eclipse emotional energy, then know that this too shall soon pass.

We’ve just come out of one of the most intensely emotional Moon cycles of the year, and this eclipse cycle that has just passed with the New Moon in Cancer solar eclipse and the Full Moon in Capricorn lunar eclipse is a turning point in our summer. Or, in our Winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

It’s not the last eclipse cycle this year, we’ll have another right around the Christmas holiday season. But this one was an important one as you ponder what your life goals are before you head into the last quarter of 2019.

You may have experienced relationship changes, job changes, home and family changes, or even just changes in communication styles or experiences. This eclipse cycle came with a Mercury retrograde, and that means that life has been wrinkly all around. But this week, the Sun shines on all of your activities in life in a very fun and exciting way. This week the Universe is cutting you a very big break. Very few major transits are on the agenda, and the Sun is changing signs and entering lovable Leo this week! That means that for the next four weeks, you are going to be feeling the good, good, good vibrations of the luxurious and fun-loving Leo!

That change happens early this week. On Tuesday, the Sun, the body that rules Leo, will enter the Fixed Fire sign of Leo, and you will get a little break from some of the heavy emotional stuff.

Just have fun. That is Leo’s mission. That mission can’t work 24/7, there’s life and responsibilities to deal with after all. But for the next four weeks of Summer, the Universe wants you to put fun first. You just never know what will happen next.

Enjoy the pleasure-seeking moments that Sun in Leo will offer you for the next few weeks, friends.

Planetary Locations During July 22 – July 28, 2019:

Sun: Cancer (June 20 – July 23, 2019); Leo (July 23 – August 23, 2019)

Mercury: Retrograde in Cancer (July 19 – August 1, 2019)

Venus: Cancer (July 3, 2019 – July 28, 2019)

Mars: Leo (July 1, 2019 – August 18, 2019)

Jupiter: Sagittarius (Until December 2, 2019)

Saturn: Capricorn (Until March 22, 2020); Retrograde: April 29, 2019 to September 17, 2019

Uranus: Taurus (March 6, 2019 – August 19, 2021)

Neptune: Pisces (Until January 2026)

Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024); Retrograde: April 24, 2019 – October 2, 2019

Daily Snapshots for July 22 to July 28:

Monday, July 22

Sun: Cancer – Take the lead on nurturing love at home, and success follows everywhere else

Moon: Aries – That little spark of passion you have needs to be unleashed.

Tuesday, July 23

Sun: Leo – The Sun is shining on all that feels good and bold. Time to take charge of those hidden sparks of inspiration.

Moon: Aries

Wednesday, July 24

Sun: Leo

Moon: Taurus – The slow and steady race is the path to abundance.


  • Mercury in Cancer conjunct Venus in Cancer – Here we have communicator Mercury, still retrograde, in Cardinal Water sign Cancer, forming a sweet conjunction with lover Venus, also in Cancer. This is a sweet and loving transit, and you can expect some wonderful vibrations to arrive today. You can also expect some wonderful and loving inspirations and ideas, or you may see some communication or conversations take on a sweet and loving tone. This is a great day to have an important conversation in a relationship matter. Lead with love and kindness, empathy and compassion, and you will see a relationship head towards a brand new level. At the same time, in work, bold ideas that come from bright and kind inspirations work well as well. Follow that sweetheart of yours today, and love just happens.

Thursday, July 25

Sun: Leo

Moon: Taurus


  • Mars in Leo trine Jupiter in Sagittarius – This is a high energy transit that is going to give you a high energy day, in an optimistic and loving kind of way. This is warrior Mars working favorably with lucky and optimistic Jupiter, and both planets are in Fire signs. Sparks and passions are high today. You are feeling driven towards something. You may not even know what, you just know that it feels good. The “feel good” part of your day is coming from lucky Jupiter, and the “I have to get or do this right now” part of your day is coming from aggressive Mars. This should be a good time in your day, but could lead to a temper tantrum if you don’t get what you want. Just don’t go there. Follow the good, and lucky Jupiter is going to award that impassioned drive of yours today.

Friday, July 26

Sun: Leo

Moon: Taurus

Saturday, July 27

Sun: Leo

Moon: Gemini – Follow your intuition, and your good angel, when making decisions.

Sunday, July 28

Sun: Leo

Moon: Gemini

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