Your Weekly Astrology Overview: May 13-19th, 2019

Hello friends!

We are one week further into Spring and one week closer to the lazy hazy days of Summer, and we can all feel this inspired freshness in the air. That’s the scent of Spring blossoms, along with the fiery spark of inspiration that was ushered in under Aries energy for the past several weeks.

Now, Aries energy is tapering off and we have planets migrating over to the Fixed Earth sign of Taurus. We have one more planet joining that party this week and as it opens up we have the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus in Taurus. By the end of this week we are also going to have love and money planet Venus join that party.

On Wednesday, lover Venus enters Taurus and is going to help you lay down some roots and strength to all of those inspirations and ideas that fiery Aries lit under you. You are going to start weeding out what goals you want to work on, in both work and love, and you are going to start getting your hands dirty in springy Earth sign Taurus.

Venus here is going to help you to attract all sorts of opportunities that will help you work on those goals. The next day, Mars changes signs and moves from airy Gemini and into emotional and long-term thinker Cancer. Later in the week, we have the Full Moon in Scorpio arriving to close out the week.

Taurus and Scorpio are opposite zodiac signs, so this Full Moon is going to help you bear out a fulfilled wish or goal from previous times. The end of the week could be intensely emotional as you say farewell to some things that are no longer working for you. Or, you just close a chapter and remove some energy from your physical and spiritual plate and feel renewed going forward on new goals.

With the Full Moon in Fixed Water sign Scorpio, opposite the Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Venus now in the opposite sign, Fixed Earth Sign Taurus, energy in partnerships is going to be very intense. But, this is an extremely compatible transit as well, and solutions made now have the potential to bear the test of time. You’re in it to win it now!

Spend the first half of the week tying up loose ends, finishing some business, or closing emotional chapters. Then, when the Full Moon arrives Saturday, you can wrap up this week with a bang and say hello to a new one with a fresh glow.

With pals Scorpio and Taurus by your side, you are committed to what happens next. Keep your Daily Horoscopes bookmarked so you can watch how your spiritual forecast will be impacted during the day-by-day of this beautiful, Venus-rich Full Moon week.

What are your Full Moon wishes?

Planetary Locations During May 13 to May 19:

• Sun: Taurus (April 20 to May 21)

• Mercury: Taurus (May 6, 2019 to May 21, 2019)

• Venus: Aries (From April 20, 2019 to May 15, 2019)

• Venus: Taurus (From May 15 to June 9, 2019)

• Mars: Gemini (Until May 16, 2019); Mars: Cancer (May 16, 2019 to July 1, 2019)

• Jupiter: Sagittarius (Until December 2, 2019)

• Saturn: Capricorn (Until March 22, 2020)

• Saturn Retrograde: (April 29, 2019 to September 17, 2019)

• Uranus: Taurus (March 6, 2019 to August 19, 2021)

• Neptune: Pisces (Until January 2026)

• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)

• Pluto Retrograde: Capricorn (April 24, 2019 until October 2, 2019)

Daily Snapshots for May 13 to May 19:

Monday, May 13

Sun: Taurus – Use your five senses to activate sensuality and live, laugh, love.

Moon: Moon in Virgo – Flawless attention to detail can be productive, and provocative.


• Sun in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn – Here we have the Sun working favorably with change-maker Pluto, and both planets are in Earth Signs. This is a slow and steady change-making transit. The Sun in Taurus is shining a light on Pluto and pointing you to an area of change today. There may also be a significant power play with someone regarding your sense of Self or identity in this world, or how you are seen by the world. You may be the one making a power play and trying to be heard today, or trying to be seen in a way that is favorable. This is a favorable and happy exchange between the Sun and Pluto, so expect the changes that manifest today to be positive in your life. It’s the relief of tearing down walls and realizing life does go on, and better, when you make the necessary cuts.

Tuesday, May 14

Sun: Taurus – Use your five senses to activate sensuality and live, laugh, love.

Moon: Moon enters Libra – When you serve as the gracious diplomat in all situations, you win.


• Venus in Aries sextiles Mars in Gemini – Here we have lover Venus linking up with lover Mars in a favorable transit with Air and Fire energy in play. Venus is in Fiery and impassioned Aries for just a day longer, and is going out with a bang with one last frolic with Mars in Airy Gemini. Fire Signs and Air Signs are always a compatible blend, as air fuels fire and fire moves with the speed of air, sometimes.

They nurture each other’s needs and there is a nice balance here. With Venus in Aries and Mars in Gemini in this favorable transit, you are going to be experiencing some delightful relationship vibes going on today. This is true in love or work, and also in money related issues. Venus attracts both love and money, and you should get some wonderful experiences today.

Those romantics of the bunch will be swooning or trying to woo someone with ferocity today. This is largely a favorable transit, just stay in your happy place with love, enjoy the moment, and don’t let the temper walk the other direction or things could get ugly.

Wednesday, May 15

Sun: Taurus – Use your five senses to activate sensuality and live, laugh, love.

Moon: Moon in Libra – When you serve as the gracious diplomat in all situations, you win.


• Venus enters Taurus: This is an exciting transit and the first of this week’s main events. This is love and money planet Venus entering one of the two zodiac signs she rules, Libra and Taurus. With Venus in Taurus, we have a wonderful opportunity to begin seriously thinking of those goals we planted seeds for under the New Moon in Taurus. The Sun in Taurus is helping feed those goals, Mercury in Taurus is going to help you communicate them, and Venus in Taurus will help you to attract the opportunities you need to grow in those goals.

You can attract some seriously committed seeds of love right now as well, and they will be delicious and saucy ones under Venus in Taurus’s magical spell. Enjoy the next few weeks of exciting, earthy, attractive love that you feel will stand the test of time this time. This could be love of a person in romance, a partnership experience, or even a deep passion and commitment you have for the work you do in this world. Venus is ready to help you shine, baby, shine!

Thursday, May 16

Sun: Taurus – Use your five senses to activate sensuality and live, laugh, love.

Moon: Moon enters Scorpio – Close chapters in a way that feels like you are undergoing the total rebirth that you deserve.


• Mars enters Cancer: Here we have warrior Mars entering the Cardinal Sign of the Water Signs, Cancer. Cancer is the domestic goddess of the zodiac, nurturing, loving, and catering to all of the most important people in their world. Cancer likes to be the boss and gets a little crabby when they don’t get to be, so this is the biggest challenge for all zodiac signs in this transit.

The wonderful upside is that warrior Mars is going to inspire your passion to channel that leadership energy into productive things, like leading in love, leading at work, and just being the CEO of your life for a little bit. Domestic pursuits are favored under this watery spell. Things could get steamy with fiery Mars on board!

Friday, May 17

Sun: Taurus – Use your five senses to activate sensuality and live, laugh, love.

Moon: Moon in Scorpio – Close chapters in a way that feels like you are undergoing the total rebirth that you deserve.

Saturday, May 18

Sun: Taurus – Use your five senses to activate sensuality and live, laugh, love.

Moon: Full Moon in Scorpio – Close chapters in a way that feels like you are undergoing the total rebirth that you deserve.

• Mercury in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn – This is the communication planet trining favorably with Pluto in Capricorn, and both planets here are in Earth signs. This is a change or power play that could crop up in the day, and it could start with an empowering conversation, but it could also be an argument where a power play is made through words. This could be controlling behavior or words as well, as Mercury the communicator is getting a say.

But largely, this transit is favorable, and with communicator Mercury working with change-maker Pluto, you may make some productive adjustments in your day today. They are likely to be permanent changes, but with Taurus and Capricorn putting their heads together, they are going to be well thought out changes with the long-term win in mind.

Sunday, May 19

Sun: Taurus – Use your five senses to activate sensuality and live, laugh, love.

Moon: Moon enters Sagittarius – See the Big Picture in all things today.

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