Your Weekly Astrology Overview: May 6-12, 2019

Hello friends!

It’s an exciting week from the Universe’s perspective with very little astrological weather on the docket to report. Last week left us manifesting but now, for the most part, it’s a nice and quiet week from Universe, and this gives you a chance to sit back and soak up some May Taurus Sun. As of this week, we have multiple planets in Taurus now – the Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and we’ve just come off of a New Moon in Taurus at the tail end of last week.

You may be thinking of some new beginnings in your life right now, and Taurus energy is going to give you the work ethic you need to not just plant some seeds, but see some exciting blossoms come about this summer.

The week starts off with Mercury entering Taurus on Monday, joining the Sun and Uranus here already. As the week progresses, we get a little snapshot of luck later in the week on Thursday. Taurus’ ruler Venus is also going to be hard at work this week trying to help you attract the opportunities and experiences you need to see long-term success in your life.

Pay attention to your big ideas and inspirations this week and in the coming weeks under this Mercury in Taurus influence. These ideas and inspirations are the ones you’ll need for the long haul. See them, recognize them, and then nurture them. Some may even be percolating for you already. What big ideas do you have about your life right now?

Planetary Locations During May 6-May 12, 2019:

• Sun: Taurus (April 20 to May 21)

• Mercury: Taurus (May 6, 2019, to May 21, 2019)

• Venus: Aries (April 20, 2019, to May 15, 2019)

• Mars: Gemini (until May 16, 2019)

• Jupiter: Sagittarius (until December 2, 2019)

• Saturn: Capricorn (until March 22, 2020; Saturn retrograde from April 29, 2019, to September 17, 2019)

• Uranus: Taurus (March 6, 2019, to August 19, 2021)

• Neptune: Pisces (until January 2026)

• Pluto: Capricorn (until October 12, 2024; Pluto retrograde in Capricorn from April 24, 2019, to October 2, 2019)

Daily Snapshots for May 6 to May 12:

Monday, May 6

Sun: Taurus – Use your five senses to activate sensuality and live, laugh, love.

Moon: Gemini — Follow your intuition, and your good angel, when making decisions.


  • Mercury enters Taurus – Here we have communicator Mercury entering the Fixed sign of the Earth signs, Taurus, and this is going to set some communication channels on fire for your long-term path. When Mercury was in Aries, you had the fire lit under you to take the lead in your conversations and communications, and when Mercury enters Taurus you are going to see that fire slow down, and give way to committed and more long-term goals. Mercury in Aries was all about those fiery ideas. Mercury in Taurus is about getting to work on them, using communication as your guide. Be real in all of your communication efforts, in both work and love, and you will see them go the long haul.

Tuesday, May 7

Sun: Taurus

Moon: Gemini


  • Venus (Aries) square Saturn (Capricorn) – This is the love and money planet, still in the Cardinal sign of the Fire signs, Aries, squaring off with time and responsibility task-master Saturn, working in the Cardinal sign of the Earth signs, Capricorn. While Aries and Capricorn are not the most compatible energies, we do have two Cardinal sign energies in play under this transit. Saturn may be putting the squeeze on some attraction issues under this transit, but Venus does want to help you to attract everything you need to pursue a specific goal right now. Just don’t get in too over your head. Follow the laws of karma today and you see some progress on commitment towards your long term goals.

Wednesday, May 8

Sun: Taurus

Moon: Cancer — Nurturing others nurtures your soul.


  • Mercury (Taurus) conjunct Uranus (Taurus) – Here we have communicator Mercury linking up with shock planet Uranus, and both of these planets are in the Fixed sign of the Earth signs, Taurus. Under this favorable angle, the planets are destined to send you some good news or information today, but this could also come in the form of ideas that you have yourself. Breakthrough moments of clarity are possible today, and you can expect them to come out of the blue with Uranus in play. Expect the unexpected today, and take the time to really notice big ideas, shocking outbursts or conversations, and bold ideas today, they are coming to your present moment for a reason.

Thursday, May 9

Sun: Taurus

Moon: Cancer


  • Venus (Aries) trine Jupiter (Sagittarius) – This is one of those transits that makes you feel like you are on top of the world and like nothing can go wrong. This is the love and money planet in the Cardinal sign of the Fire signs, Aries, giving luck and karma planet Jupiter, currently in the Mutable sign of the Fire signs, Sagittarius, a great big hug. You may attract or experience events today that feel too good to be true, especially when it comes to love and romantic endeavors.

Friday, May 10

Sun: Taurus

Moon: Leo — Take 5 minutes to find pleasure today, just for you.

Saturday, May 11

Sun: Taurus

Moon: Leo

Sunday, May 12

Sun: Taurus

Moon: Virgo — Flawless attention to detail can be productive and provocative.

What’s up in the stars today? Check your free Daily Horoscope – here on Astrology Answers!

About The Author

Christine Beswick

As a Scorpio, Christine Beswick is a natural empath, using her watery emotional side to bring you the astrology answers you need to find abundance. Christine’s favorite tools of choice are the stars, as it was her grandmother who first told her many moons ago that’s where all the answers were. Christine’s Scorpio side favors writing as her medium of choice to express those answers. When she’s not pondering life’s big questions, it is Christine’s dream to one day be the crazy cat lady on her street.
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