Nic Gaudette

Nic Gaudette's astrology career began in 2004. She's performed thousands of astrology readings, helped thousands of students learn astrology, and has written over a dozen horoscope columns and hundreds of articles for various publications, in addition to creating The Dark Pixie Astrology. Her path to becoming an astrologer started as a teenager when she picked up an astrology book out of sheer boredom in a bookstore one day and instantly became hooked. She believes astrology is an empowering tool everyone can use to help themselves. She affectionately calls her followers her "pixies." She provides daily astro tidbits on Facebook and Instagram and sends extra astro wisdom in her regular newsletter. When not working, you'll usually find her baking, obsessing over the Yankees, or binging on politics. Make sure to check her out on The Dark Pixie Astrology.

Your Monthly Astrology Transits: October 2020

Welcome to your Monthly Astrology Transits Overview for October 2020! October 2020 astrology includes two important retrogrades by Mercury and Mars that need to be managed. This month may show a period where we’re focused on looking back, reflecting and revising, and trying to understand and grow as we make use of the astrology transits.

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Your Virgo New Moon Horoscopes: Rediscovering Productivity

It’s New Moon time! We just had a New Moon in Virgo, and this energy is strong at the moment. Bring on the Virgo New Moon horoscopes! Virgo is seen as the sign of work, health, and daily habits. It’s an Earth sign so it’s practical and focused, and a Mutable sign so it’s constantly

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Your Mars Retrograde 2020 Survival Guide

Here comes the fire, Earthlings! Mars retrograde just began a couple of days ago, and this retrograde comes to us entirely in the sign of Aries. We had no Mars retrograde in 2019 and won’t in 2021, so of course, the wild and wacky year that has been 2020 has to come with this retrograde.

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Jupiter & Pluto in Capricorn: Uncover the Secrets to Success

2020 has come with its fair share of challenges, but there is also some incredibly promising energy to come with it. This includes the transit of Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, which has been in effect on-and-off throughout 2020. The first hit came in April, and the second hit was just a couple of weeks

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Mercury Direct in Cancer: Clear Your Head & Heart

In two days, Mercury goes direct (July 12) again! Mercury has been retrograde in Water sign Cancer since June 18, and even before then, we were dealing with Venus retrograde in Gemini (which ended June 25). It’s been a slog of retrograde energy, starting with Venus in mid-May and then picking up with Mercury. Finally,

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn Horoscopes: Closing Life Chapters

Here comes the Capricorn Full Moon! We’ll soon experience a Full Moon in Earth sign Capricorn, and this isn’t any Full Moon in Capricorn – it’s also a Lunar eclipse! And this will be the last Lunar eclipse in Capricorn for some years to come, so it’s truly a closing of life chapters. We experience

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Cancer Eclipse Rituals for Love: New Moon Manifestations

Manifesting your dreams can be powerful. Adding a little love astrology to the mix helps give you an extra boost to make it happen more easily. The most commonly used astrological occurrence for manifestation? The New Moon! New Moons are times for new beginnings, full of energy and enthusiasm. We’re going to have a New

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