Scorpio Sex Horoscope: Tomorrow

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Jul 27, 2024 - It might be difficult to feel like you’ve got control over, well, anything today, so the most important thing to keep in mind is that you should only ever bother with trying to control the things you definitely can control, and then mentally let go of the rest because you’ll only drive yourself insane if you constantly try to hold on to the reins of everything in your life.

Today the Moon is moving through your 7th House of romantic relationships, so those important people are in sharp focus at the moment, but as much fun as it might be to run off with a special someone and put your responsibilities on ice, that’s hardly realistic.

The Moon is going to form a tense beam with the Sun in your 10th House of career achievements and professional goals, so while the Universe wants you to focus on work people will be clamoring for your attention. It’s up to you to decide what to pursue.

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