Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of September 14 – September 20 beautiful souls!
As always, we are keeping you in-the-know with what’s buzzing in the cosmos. This week’s astrology overview has one major event which is the New Moon in Virgo on Thursday. This is a time to kick off new projects after quiet contemplation about what will make you feel most alive and purposeful.
This week’s astrology overview says we can expect our minds to be looking to order just about everything in our life with both the Sun and Moon in organizational Virgo this Wednesday and Thursday, so make some time to plan! Be careful not to be overly critical of yourself and others on that day because the perfectionist Virgo can get quite nit-picky.
This can be a fun and exciting week to choose the destinations on your life map, and create a way to get there over the next few weeks, months, and years. Now that Jupiter is direct, you’re able to see how and where to bring your skills to attract abundance.
We are also in the tail-end of Virgo season this week, and about to enter into Libra season, which is one of the major shifts for September 2020 astrology. To make the most of the Virgo Sun, get those little tasks that are in the back of your mind done now and you’ll find next week you feel freer to go have some fun!
Read this next: Your September 2020 Tarotscopes
Look for Ways to Show Love
If you’re trying to spice up your love life this week, the double Virgo Sun and Moon energy on Wednesday and Thursday will make people particularly appreciative of acts of kindness.
Try fixing someone’s fence, debugging their computer, or upgrading their phone for them without asking for anything in return. Look for ways to be helpful to let them know you really care.
We still have Venus in Leo so if you’re feeling that urge to impress your crush or partner, do something that says “I love you” by showing them that you are committed to making their life easy and fun. Little gestures will go a long way this week, even if it’s getting that painting hung securely over the fireplace, or helping them finish their application for health insurance.
When you show someone you’re willing to help with things that are tedious or considered “not-fun” they will see it’s nice to have you around all the time and not just while socializing.
What else can you expect this week from the stars?
The beginning of the week is the end of the waning Moon phase, which means we are getting ready to start something new. We are working on tying up loose ends, and essentially creating space in our schedule for the new ideas that are going to show up.
Have you purged the bad habits you may have picked up over the last month once and for all? Focus on that Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
From Thursday on, work your magic. Start visualizing, meditating on what you want to manifest, and taking action. Creative energy will continue to build for the rest of the week making it a great time to plant seeds. Your manifesting work will likely yield results around the Full Moon which will be October 1, 2020.
Planetary Locations During September 14 – September 20, 2020

• Sun: Virgo (August 22, 2020 – September 22, 2020)
• Mercury: Libra (September 5, 2020 – September 27, 2020)
• Venus: Leo (September 6, 2020 – October 2, 2020)
• Mars: Aries (June 27, 2020 – January 6, 2021)
• Jupiter: Capricorn (December 2, 2019 – December 19, 2020)
• Saturn: Capricorn (July 1, 2020 – December 17, 2020)
• Uranus: Taurus (Until April 25, 2026)
• Neptune: Pisces (Until March 30, 2025)
• Pluto: Capricorn (Until October 12, 2024)
Daily Astrology Snapshots for September 14 – September 20, 2020
Monday, September 14
Sun: Virgo – You enjoy spending time making a meal extra nice, or perfecting whatever you do. You may find yourself learning a new skill that helps you improve the quality of your work.
Moon: Leo – People are very friendly today, and it’s a great day to make new connections. Smile at people and see what fun experiences come of it.
Tuesday, September 15
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Leo
Aspect: Venus in Leo (square) Uranus in Taurus. This creates pressure in our relationships because we don’t want to compromise. If you’re struggling with feeling controlled, go cool off, and find a way to respond to your partner in a loving way.
Wednesday, September 16
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Virgo – We are looking at ways to improve our life today. We could very well kick off a new exercise plan, meal plan, or simply rearrange the furniture to improve the energy flow.
Don’t forget to review: Your Monthly Astrology Transits: September 2020
Thursday, September 17
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Virgo
Event: New Moon in Virgo. It’s a great day to make a list of the things you want to do.
Let your dreams really sink in, and ask yourself why you’re not living up to the things you want, and how you could change your habits to do just that. Start with envisioning where you want to be and you’ll probably see exactly how to get there.
Aspect: Sun & Moon in Virgo (trine) Saturn in Capricorn. The planet of discipline is helping us put together a good plan in regards to business.
If you can capture this very responsible window today, you might just be able to see how to make a big change that will give you great financial stability. Slow down and see how the Universe is speaking to you.
Friday, September 18
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Libra – This fun energy helps us to stop worrying about the future. We are more concerned about the happiness of our friends under this influence.
Saturday, September 19
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Libra
Sunday, September 20
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Scorpio – Things feel a little intense today but that is because we are wanting depth in our lives. When the Moon is in Scorpio we need to find something meaningful in our routine.
Aspect: Mercury in Libra (square) Pluto in Capricorn. Conversations can be a bit strained today and we will likely see clashes in the news between justice and big business interests. We could see fraud exposed as well.
What can you expect this Virgo season? Check out Virgo Season Horoscopes For The Zodiac Signs!